Job Review

[Forehead] This is a review of the second week after surgery.

Date 24.02.01 18:49:51 View 1,920
During days
15 Days

I had double eyelid surgery at another hospital because of sagging eyelids, but it went wrong so I received consultation at Samsao for revision eye surgery.  Director Gyu-Nam Han had a deep understanding of my face as a whole and explained every little question I was concerned about. I put a lot of pressure on my forehead due to sagging eyes, so my forehead had wrinkles and sunkenness, so I considered a forehead lift and received consultation. Since it was a double-hand revision surgery, I wanted to try everything that worked. I was very scared, so it took me a while to decide, but the director was very experienced in lifting and I trusted him, so I did a forehead lift, double-hand revision surgery, and fat relocation under the eyes. I was also very reassured that they explained in detail how the procedure would be performed on the day of surgery. Even after the surgery, surprisingly, there wasn't much pain or swelling and there wasn't much swelling. About two weeks later, I felt a tingling and nerve tingling sensation in the forehead area for a while, but  it got better as time went by. The director said I was in the recovery process. My forehead is still numb, but they say it will get better in a month or two. The fat under the eyes was redistributed smoothly. For the first few weeks, it was a little sore even if I touched it, but it got better as time went by after I put  the medicine in. The pre-surgery photo was taken just before the surgery with the surgery area marked. The post-surgery photo was taken at 2 weeks. It's been 2 weeks, and everything has gone very naturally. The forehead lift has definitely covered up the sunken areas, adjusted the drooping eye level on one side, and also helped with the natural look of my double eyelids. People around me have told me that I have looked younger and asked me to introduce them later. Haha, I lived without even thinking about plastic surgery. I was very depressed after failing at my first doubles attempt, which I had made a lot of effort to do, but I had  surgery again at Samsao and I think I got back to my daily life. I think I did a good job of doing both the forehead lift and the under-eye area~~ Even though I covered my eyes, I'm satisfied that my double eyelid went well--

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