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I had liposuction injection and defat injection.

Date 18.05.23 17:17:40 View 5,683

Is it because your inner thighs stick out every time you wear pants? I wanted to get rid of it, so the other things are okay, but I have a lot of complexes and I always wear dresses, so I looked into this and that. I found out that there is an injection that can easily remove fat, so I had a little bit of fat removed from the inner and outer thighs. The results weren't bad, but the pain was really painful. When I was getting the fat removed, I thought, why did I really eat? What on earth am I eating so much that I'm like this? But, it's been about a month since I did it, so I feel like I've received some kind of compensation. Now, a lot of the swelling has gone down, and my lines have become more prominent and slimmer. I really want to do it again next time. I was worried about what to do if it was completely lumpy, but it seemed like they were paying a lot of attention. On the second day, I wasn't sure because of the swelling. I didn't know if my thighs had gone down or not... ㅠ I continued to consult on the hospital's KakaoTalk and asked when the swelling would go down and when I would see results. They asked if I needed to wear a compression garment and I got really angry. Also, I had some muscle pain when I woke up, and then I suddenly felt a tingling sensation like electricity coming on, and it lasted for a week. I thought it was a side effect, but when I read other people's posts, I found out that they had it worse than me. There were some people who had serious bruises, so I thought I'd just do it... In the 3rd week, the outside of the thigh was fine, but the inside was still a little small, but it was really small. It felt like there was swelling. Should I say it felt a bit slower? I remember whining about not retouching it when I was pulling out the stitches for a week because I wasn't sure about the effect. It seems like the swelling goes down over time rather than going away right away! There doesn't seem to be much swelling compared to diaphoresis. The picture below was taken a month after I had it. I took pictures every week to see how much of a difference it would make on my own. Starting from the second week, I started jogging and exercising a lot slowly. I was told to drink 2 liters of water at a time, so I drank a lot of water. I ate it. I heard it was good to do squats, so I did it every day and am still doing it! My pants are now too loose around my thighs. I can feel the effect, so I want to try it again, but I still remember the pain on the first day, so it's scary, but I'm satisfied.

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