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Defat injection 2 weeks

Date 18.05.24 15:27:19 View 4,576

Before I had belly fat liposuction, I was very scared, it was very painful, and I was worried and excited that it wouldn't have any effect, but I'm glad that it's already been a month since the procedure. I used to do yoga, so I didn't have that much weight, but I stopped doing yoga and stopped exercising. As people say, I have become a muscle pig. To be honest, if you squat hard, your thighs will quickly become balanced, but your stomach, floaters, and forearms will lose their balance no matter how much you exercise. I don’t think it comes off easily. I didn't just look into defat injections. I looked into several other hospitals and hospitals, but they seemed to be providing treatment with a bit of conscientiousness, so I made an appointment right away. I received 10 bottles for my upper abdomen, lower abdomen, and love handles in total. Perhaps because it was a weekday, there was a wait. I received a consultation and underwent treatment in no time. The female director did it, and she was so friendly, fun, and kind that I enjoyed the procedure, but it hurt. It hurt, it hurt. It's already been a month since I had abdominal liposuction. I had local anesthesia during the procedure, and it really hurt. Some people said it didn't hurt, but I did. I think they should have done it under sedation, but I felt pain for about 3 days. After the procedure, I went home and had my stomach pulled out, and my back felt warm and feverish. On the day I had the procedure, I wondered how much time would pass, but it's already been 2 weeks? Surprisingly, the effect came quickly. Oh, and I don't think I had a boner. Everyone said I had a boner, but I remember having the procedure done under local anesthesia, and after the procedure, they squeezed my belly fat a lot. I said that I really don't like things that get sticky and bumpy. After about a week, I saw noticeable results. To be honest, I was debating whether to get thigh suction or a tummy tuck, but the doctor said it would be better to have belly fat, so I got abdominal liposuction first. I was worried there would be no effect, so I took a picture first before getting the liposuction injection. The picture is from 14 days ago. There is still some swelling, but compared to a week ago, the swelling has gone down a lot and the lines look clearer. It's been a month. Now the swelling has gone down a lot.    And I don't think there were any bruises. Other people had purple bruises, but I didn't have any. Do I need to massage the liposuction area separately? If I don't do this, I'm wondering if bone formation will occur even after a month. There is no place that feels particularly bumpy or hard right now.  The scar looks like a mosquito bite on the inside of the panties, but I think it's a good thing that it's faint and there's a hole in a place that's hard to see.

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Cmts 3
Defat ㅠ There aren’t many places in Busan that do it.
18-06-17 04:36
Wow, the effect is amazing ㅠㅠIt's so good to lose belly fat.
18-06-21 08:28
I'm also looking into getting a D-fat injection...I need to do it.
18-09-02 17:32
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