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[Low Nose] 2nd week of autologous cartilage surgery on the tip of the nose

Date 23.03.02 13:08:36 View 2,630
88 만원
During days
20 Days

The tip of my nose was a little disappointing, so I looked into tying the tip of my nose or having nose surgery, and came across a surgery called Kozelnose! Since it is a non-incision surgery and the tape can be removed in 3 days and you can return to your daily life, I went for a consultation right away. I was a little scared at first because the surgery called Kozelco was not yet popular, but I think I had more faith in it after watching a video of the doctor explaining it on YouTube. The director personally provided surgical consultation and said that he would do his best to match the shape of my nose that I wanted. I received the consultation: 1. I had a curved nose, and he asked me if I wanted to shave it off. I told him that I didn't want to shave it because I liked the natural look, so he reflected that on me. 2. Should I get a nose bridge as well? I asked that, and he said it would make my nose look longer and that considering my face shape, it would be better not to do it. He didn't seem to be overtreating me with this, and he said the surgery would go well, so I decided right away . ✔️Surgery Before the surgery, the director explained the surgery in detail and what to do after the surgery, and I went into surgery. And even when I was lying on the operating table, you kept taking care of me and telling me that everything would be fine, not to worry, and not to be scared, and you talked to me comfortably, so I was so nervous, but I think I relaxed. Also, my hands were cold, so thank you for continuing to hold them warmly. They said the surgery was done quickly and when I woke up, my nose had changed hahaha ✔️After the surgery, it was right after the surgery and when I was in the recovery room, it was so amazing that it didn't hurt at all. Only my ears throbbed slightly and my nose didn't really hurt at all. Day 1: My nose was slightly swollen and there was no bleeding and I had no problems with my daily life, so I went to eat hotpot with my boyfriend. Day 2: My nose was slightly swollen and slightly red, but it didn't bother me at all, so I went out and had a meeting. My nose tingled when I touched it, but it didn't really hurt. When I pressed it, it throbbed and hurt. Day 3: When the tape was removed, the nose surgery was not noticeable at all and looked natural. There was swelling, but my ears only hurt slightly. Day 7: After removing the tape and stitches from my ear, there was still some swelling and bruising only on my ear. Now, as long as I don't touch my nose, it doesn't hurt at all. Day 10: The swelling is almost gone, the ear bruises are almost gone, and my nose doesn't hurt at all when I press on it :) I have a straight nose, but I wanted a natural nose with a slightly raised nose tip, and I am very satisfied that the surgery was successful, just like the nose I wanted. ㅜㅠㅜ It was so natural that everyone knew I had to say it! Even my dad didn't know.. haha. But after everyone told it, they said it was much better to say it was so good that it wasn't noticeable. For those who are really worried about Kozelco, I think worrying only delays time... ! I really strongly recommend it.

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