Job Review

[Low Nose] 3rd week review of nasal tip autologous cartilage surgery

Date 23.03.02 09:20:51 View 2,538
66 만원
During days
19 Days

I had no intention of getting a nose surgery, but a friend who is interested in nose surgery looked into it and recommended it to me, so this is the surgery for me!? This is my review of the 3rd week of Kozelco, and it is the standard I have always thought of.   1. Recovery period - As I am an office worker, I am concerned about long vacations, so the biggest reason I chose Kozelco was to be able to return to work as quickly as possible. Previously, I had only had HICO treatment three times. I made a reservation for same-day surgery consultation and surgery at 1 o'clock on Saturday and was discharged around 3:30. On the third day, Tuesday, I had the nose and ear taping removed and went to work on Wednesday. The stitches behind my ear were removed a week later. I'm not sure if removing the stitches didn't hurt or if I'm just good at enduring pain, but it did n't hurt. 2. Naturalness - Looking at the harmony of my face, unless I tear it all apart and fix it, it would look too unnatural if my nose was too pillared, and I tend to have a bridge of my nose, so it's a high nose. I thought it would be nice to just raise it towards the tip of my nose like I did before. He said there was a slight bump, but he said it wasn't enough to be shaved off, so they only had a nose job. Since the surgery was performed on ear cartilage, the bruise on the ear lasted for about two weeks. I did not apply bruise cream separately. Since the surgery is done by making an incision inside the nose, it doesn't show any marks at first glance and it looks so natural that even my mother wouldn't recognize it. It feels smart and sophisticated only I know!! I am very satisfied now, but since additional surgery is possible, if I feel regretful, I will have additional surgery later. 3. Safety - No matter how well the surgery is, if there are side effects, it is a big deal. Kozelco is performed with autologous cartilage and autologous blood, so there are no side effects. They say it's less than a regular surgery. It's been 2 weeks since the surgery and there are no problems so far. I saw in the reviews that it didn't hurt, but it may vary from person to person, but I was surprised that there was no pain to the point where I wondered if this was okay. If I touched my ear without knowing it, I would think, 'Oh, I removed the cartilage.' Haha. The hospital staff were also very kind and nice every time I visited the hospital. The people who helped me prepare for surgery. The atmosphere was also very comfortable!! This was my review of the 3rd week of Kozelco!

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