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[안면&양악] Cheekbone reduction ㅌㅇㅅ, ㄴㅌ, ㅁㅇㄷㅇ

Date 23.06.27 20:51:46 View 1,548

First of all, I live overseas, and I will be visiting Korea in a few months to look into getting cheekbone surgery. I received the price via KakaoTalk, but I did not see the doctor. -Director ㅌㅇㅅ/ㅇㅅㄱ I happened to see a picture of the director's eye surgery, and it looked so natural and pretty, but I heard he was also good at crow's feet, so I inquired (I had had double eye surgery a long time ago with an incision, and I also wanted to do it again). The counselor requested a picture, so I sent it to him. The director sent me the plan right away. The regular price for the cheekbones was 10 million won, and the eye revision surgery was about 1,200 including various surgeries. Haha. I expected it to a certain extent, but the price was still too evil. It was possible to get 600 for the cheekbones and 800 for the eyes on the condition that I post a public review for a few months. Bobby Talk The event price for the Dual Fix Clown Reduction event was listed as 270, but when I asked if there was something else I was inquiring about, I was told that the event price did not include the Dual Fix. -Director ㅁㅇㄷㅇ/ㅅㅂㅅ Actually, this is the place I like the most, the reviews are good, and if you look at YouTube, the director seems confident. The counselors responded right away and were friendly. I was advised to get a cheekbone size of 440 under the condition of partial disclosure . I also asked about my eyes, and it seems that incision reoperation + canthotomy reoperation is possible at the 200-300 line. They scheduled the surgery after the consultation, but my schedule is short, so the surgery cannot be scheduled within the period. They say you can't guarantee losing - ㄴㅌ/ㅇㅈㅎ Director. So, I was looking through Bobby Talk and saw that it was mentioned a lot, so I inquired. The counselor was friendly, and I was informed that clowns cost 550 and 3 types of contour cost 700-1000. If I want surgery according to the time of entry into the country, I can pay a deposit. In fact, there are people around me who have done clowns/contouring. There are a few of them, and they all did well at ㅇㅈ . When they weren't sure if they were satisfied, they tried to get a referral from the representative director of ㅇㅈ, but the reviews about the hospital weren't good, so they were scared, so they looked into the hospitals above. I'm really worried, should I just do it at ㅇㅈ or somewhere else? I've been wondering hundreds of times, what should I do~~~

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메이드영!  나도 200-300 예상하고 ㅌㅇㅅ 문의 했는데, 예상 가격의 4배를 불러서 놀랐어 ㅋㅋ
그니까 ㅠ 다들 걸러야 된다고 하는데 실제로 잘된 사람이 몇이나 주변에 있어서 고민이야
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광대 한부분만 재수술도 아니고 600인거야?
저가격이면 비싸긴하다 ㅎㅎ
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광대 재수술 비용인걸까요? 저도 재수술 알아보는 중이라서요 ㅜㅜ
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