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[코성형] Review of 3 consultations for hooked beak + white nose (caution of long post)

Date 23.06.27 20:49:48 View 2,000

First of all, I decided to have surgery because I have a severely hooked nose + a deviated septum (+ a little rhinitis) and a crooked nose. Basically, the bridge of my nose itself is high, so I only wanted to shave off the hooked nose and get a natural-looking nose without implants, so I consulted with a focus on these areas. Since I'm from a rural area, I don't have time to go out to various places. It was difficult, so I only went to three places for consultation, but I was worried a lot and thought it would help me sell my clothes, so I'm leaving a review of the consultation. I think the post will be long, so I'll write it briefly below. 1. ㅇㅂㄹ (Gangnam Station) There are many reviews on Seongyesa and the after-sales seemed natural, so I decided to go to the hospital itself. It is not as big as the first floor of a building. There are only two doctors, the director and an anesthesiologist. Before the consultation, I take a CT scan and feel my nose while looking at it. I consult while showing someone else's before and after surgery photos. The height of the nose itself is high, so there is no need for an implant, but the angle of the nose is severe, so an osteotomy is required. They said it was essential. Since the columella was a bit saggy, they suggested slightly raising the tip of the nose with autologous cartilage to fix it. The crooked nose was planned to be corrected by supporting it with bone cartilage next to the bridge of the nose. Since the curved beak was severe, they just told me that a fancy tabi nose would not work. Overall, no implants were recommended and recommended. Other people's photos. When you look at it, it doesn't look too flashy and it looks like a natural surgery. A/S maybe 1 year? (I don't remember) Free except for the cost of implants and anesthesia (Available from 6 months onwards) Free services such as post-surgical swelling injections are available. The manager and director are all friendly and try to fit the nose I want as much as possible. Instead, I liked that they firmly told me that anything that doesn't work won't work. Price 4.9 million won (including 10,000 won consultation fee + 50,000 won pre-surgery blood test) 400,000 won discount for same-day reservation, 500,000 won discount for photo shoot with mosaic processing 2. ㅋㅂㅈ (Shin Non-hyeon) I went here because it is a famous nose specialty, and this place is also on the first floor of the building. The director said that one person probably performs 3 surgeries a day. The director is also an otolaryngologist, so the actual cost of surgery for nasal septum deviation and rhinitis is possible. Since the bridge of the nose is high, he recommends non-implants. Also, I consulted without a CT scan, which is required for osteotomy. He looked at the inside of my nose and drew a picture of my nose. The explanation is a bit funny. They took a picture of my nose and corrected it in Photoshop and explained that it would look like this. Haha. They explained the feeling of the surgery similarly to number 1. They showed other people's photos and there were many cases of crooked nose correction. Here, the top of the nose looked empty, so they suggested filling it with cartilage (noble surgery) ) Free after -sales service for 3 years (excluding anesthesia costs) Free swelling injection Price is 4.8 million won (80-90% refund possible for actual cost of 140 functions) 500,000 discount for same-day reservation Here too, review photos are natural and there are many cases similar to mine, but correction is as I want. It was good and I was worried about a deviated septum, so I was a little attracted to the otolaryngology clinic . 3. ㅈㅇㅋㅇ (Apgujeong) A friend of an acquaintance told me that he could make my nose look natural. Every building over the 5th floor was a hospital. It was the biggest place I've ever been, and a lot of foreigners came to get surgery. The person guiding the counter was also a foreigner and spoke Korean well haha. CT scan, consultation with the director - consultation with the director, in that order. Since the hooked nose was severe here too, an osteotomy was required, and they asked me to correct the septal deviation. The nasal turbinates were also swollen, but since this was done at an otolaryngology clinic, I was told to go separately later (if the septal deviation is corrected, it would be better). I asked about the tip of my nose, so I said it would be okay if I didn't do it, but if I wanted, they said they would raise it a little and make it stand up according to the height of my nose. My nose is very crooked, but my whole face is crooked, so if I correct it too straight, it will look crooked somewhere else, so I told them to correct it in a balanced way even if it looks a little crooked. Oh, this is it. They say they don't put cotton in the nose, so it's not stuffy, so they say it's an advantage, but they don't know if they're trying to sell it together, but they recklessly recommend it along with implants. They're not forcing it, but they say you can do it if you want . I forgot to ask about A/S. I think the price is similar to other places. Humorous osteotomy 4.4 million won, septal deviation correction 1.4 million won, anesthesia and blood test cost 150 thousand won, but they give a discount for acquaintances (even if you're not an acquaintance, they might give you a discount if you talk carefully?) For reference, jawless prosthesis 3.3 million won. Here, they got it based on an estimate. It's nothing special, but thanks for reading the long article. Thank you, and if you have surgery here, please recommend a hospital...

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오 잘보고갑니당!!
23-06-27 23:11
자세한 후기 고마워 많이 도움됐어!
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후기 정보 잘 봤어 아직 결정은 못한거야??
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ㅇㅂㄹ 에서 하기로 했어 ㅈㅇㅋㅇ는 매부리 케이스가 별로 없어보이고 ㅋㅂㅈ는 엄청 자연스럽게 매부리정리만 하는 느낌인거같아서 기왕 수술하는김에 코끝정리도 하고싶어서!
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ㅋㅂㅈ랑 ㅇㅂㄹ 찾아보고 있었는데 후기 잘 봤어!!
나도 기회 되면 두군데 가볼건데 견적은 두군데 비슷하구나
23-07-02 18:59
오오 자세한 후기 감사해요!!
23-07-03 23:08
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-07-20 14:22
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-07-20 15:37
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-07-20 21:42
오 나도 주말에 ㅇㅂㄹ 상담받고 지금 ㅂ 이랑 고민중인데ㅠㅠ근대 ㅇㅂㄹ는 기능코 수술 안해줄건대 상관없어? 난 평소 비염있는것도 모르고 살정도로 심하진 않아서 안하려다가 혹시 미용코하고 코막힘 생길까봐 고민되긴 하던데 ㅠ
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나도 비염 심하지 않아서 미용쪽으로 더 맘에 드는데로 골랐는데 비염수술같이 해도 효과 없는 경우도 있대서.. 지금은  가끔씩 코막힘 있다없다해 수술전이랑 비슷해
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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나도 휜코 메부리인데 잘보고가!! 고마워!
23-12-18 16:53
우왕 잘 보고 가!!
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