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[코성형] Reviews of a total of 7 locations!

Date 23.04.15 00:28:04 View 2,671

The overall nose has a low nose and the tip is blunt! 1. ㅇㄱㅈㅅㅇ It was the first hospital I went to, so I went there without knowing anything, so it was good to get a detailed explanation, but I didn't feel that attracted, perhaps because it was my first time. > I was told that it was made of silicone + nasal septum/ear cartilage material, and that I had a slightly hooked beak and that my nose bone was wide, so I had an osteotomy 2 . ㅇㅇㅂ The hospital is very big and there are a lot of people, so the wait was long, but it felt disappointing compared to my expectations. I wanted a natural feel, but I was recommended a rib because I had a small nasal septum with 4-5mm silicone, but the rib was too burdensome for the first surgery > Silicone + rib + nasal septum / This is also on the hooked beak . They said I have a wide nasal bone. 3. ㄷㄷㅇ It was a private hospital and they also treated me for rhinitis, but they said it was allergic rhinitis. My previous hospital recommended a rib, so I asked about the rib and they said it could be done with a nasal septum, but here too, silicone 4.5mm > silicone + nasal septum + ear cartilage / They said I don't have to shave the bridge of my nose because I don't have a big nose . 4. ㅂㅌㅇ This is the hospital I was most curious about and looked forward to! I went to see Gangnam Unnie after reading her review and received a consultation. It wasn't bad, but is this the best place? At the previous hospital, I mentioned the high silicone and the burden on the ribs, so 3.5mm silicone was recommended / I didn't get the feeling that it was that special, but the estimate was higher than I expected, so I was embarrassed > Silicone + nasal septum + ear cartilage 5. ㅊㅇ Previous hospitals It didn't seem to be a natural place, so I found a place with no implants + a natural place as much as possible. I received a consultation fee, but they didn't take a CT, so I was skeptical. I trusted them because they told me before I even told them what I was worried about about nose surgery > Fascia behind the ear or silicone + nasal septum + ears . Cartilage 6. ㄹㄷㅊ I went to this place with high expectations. The doctor's explanation was the most professional and easy to understand, but the rib was recommended > Ribs + silicone (actually, I didn't pay attention when the ribs were mentioned) 7. ㅊㄷㅊ ENT specialist's thoughts on rhinitis I decided to just get a plastic surgery consultation. The price was the most reasonable, but I felt like the consultation director was forcing me to make a same-day reservation event, so I left in a hurry. > Silicone + nasal septum + ear cartilage review . I don't want to use the ribs for the first surgery, but when using the nasal septum, it's small. There is something I am worried about. I wonder if it would be okay to use a nasal septum in this case. I am most attracted to hospital number 5 because it is implant-free, but I heard that if it is done with the fascia behind the ear, it absorbs a lot, so I am also worried about that.. The more I think about it, the more complicated it seems . Whoops

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