Job Review

[눈성형] Review of Eye Expansion (ㅅㅅ, ㄱㄹDD, ㄴㅅㅎ)

Date 23.01.09 19:38:27 View 1,637

Before consultation) I thought about epicanthoplasty + double incision, and if necessary, I also thought about correcting my eyes. 1) ㅅㅅ Wait 15 minutes > Director > Wait 15 minutes > Director > Director Director: Upper incision bridge + epicanthoplasty Recommended mask and holding line Director: Recommended upper incision bridge + epicanthoplasty Wearing a mask and holding line My eyes are thick, but fat x right Said it was thicker. When I asked him if he could bleed, he said no. If I have blepharoptosis, the whole country has blepharoptosis.. Swelling disappears in 2 weeks, and there is no need for forehead lift or fat removal. Director: Upper incision bridge + epicanthoplasty + photo provided 1.5 million won No deposit required, let alone suggestion (I might not be able to grow it) a/s Swelling laser limit the number of times per year x There are many treatment reviews and before-after booklets in the waiting room at the hospital good Do you feel confident in your abilities? It was also fun to read. Most of all, I was attracted to the before-after photo in front of the hospital because there was a photo of a case with an eye that looked exactly like mine and a well-surgery case. 2) ㄱㄹㄴ (CEO) Waiting x > Director > Waiting for 1 hour > Director > Director Director: Epicanthoplasty + incisional bridge recommended, let me mention upper canthoplasty. While wearing a mask, hold only one line. The only one asking about the experience of twins/double-equipment. Director: I feel like people look good. A detailed description of my eyes. Unlike ㅅㅅ, she has a bit of fat, is thick, and has a lot of eyes covered. (I learned a lot here..) For consultation, take off your mask. Also hold the line. Incision ptosis + fat removal + forehead lift + upper frontal canthoplasty is recommended. whats here? box. It's the first time I've heard of recommending a forehead lift to high school students . The representative director was definitely expensive because there was no discount. Incisional eye bridge + fat removal (usually, don't you get money for fat removal? I did it here) + upper front lift = 375. As soon as I heard the cost, I thought of it as it cost more than expected. A/s Injection once a year. I learned a lot from this hospital. The representative director is definitely old and knows a lot. I don't mind the price, I'm a little older, and if you want a detailed consultation, I recommend this place. But I'm a student, so the price is a bit... So excluded from the list. 3) ㄴㅅㅎ (Director ㄱㅇㅎ) Waiting 5 minutes > Director > Director > Director It was so good that there was no waiting!! When I consulted with the director, I was listening with the manager. (It wasn't bad) Director: Lightly consulted while wearing a mask. They ask about the surgery you want, whether you have any objection to the incision, and things like that. Director: Consulting while holding eyes while taking off the mask. I liked the line the most. Hold her eyes and tell her where the skin is and where the fat is. Partial incisional ptosis + epicanthoplasty is recommended. Upper canthoplasty is said to be ineffective in my eyes. Manager: Partial incisions are less scarring than incisions, so they say it will be better. Partial incision bridge + epicanthoplasty + fat removal 198 If you decide within today, 164. After that, the A/S period is 3 years, and even after that, I liked it because they said they would give me a reoperation for just 300,000 won (anesthesia fee). He said that the swelling jusanga and the Ray Zhen did it about 3 times. I haven't decided yet, but I will decide after discussing with Mijara's parents. Maybe I'm going to go. End!!

happycookie's More Posts
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Cmts 20
thanks for the info
23-01-09 19:39
정보 고마워용
23-01-09 23:02
마자 ㄴㅅㅎ as기간긴거 장점인거가태
23-01-10 00:26
정보 감사합니다
23-01-10 01:30
정보 고마워!
23-01-10 13:49
ㄱㄹㄷ 어딘가요?ㅠ
23-01-10 21:24
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-01-10 22:11
정보 감사합니다
23-01-11 09:41
필요했던 정보! 감사합니다 ^^
23-01-11 11:25
초성 알 수 있을까요 ?
결정 하셨나용 ㅠㅜ저도 너무 고민이라
23-01-11 19:22
고마워 고생해써!!!
23-01-12 00:07
좋은 글 고마워:) 잘 참고할게
23-01-12 01:25
ㄴㅅㅎas기간 진짜 길다,나도 가볼라다 못갓는데 수술 성공해!
23-01-13 01:02
저 초성이라 모르겠는데 이름좀 알려주세요
23-01-13 21:51
23-01-20 01:29
정보 감사해요!!
23-01-20 14:03
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-01-24 11:54
나도 내일 ㄴㅅㅎ 상담가는데 정보고마웡!
23-02-01 13:34
좋은 정보 감사합니다! 혹시 ㄱㄹㄷ는 어디일까요,?
23-05-19 12:48
24-03-31 12:20
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