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[안면&양악] Square jaw type 1 product

Date 24.03.19 12:57:49 View 1,445

Today, I went to 4 places, Uri, AB, Bondi, and Human, but we couldn't go because the timing wasn't right, so I only went to 3 places, but the consultations were all friendly. Because the goal was safe surgery and a gentle jaw resection, I didn't want to remove the muscle, but Bondi recommended muscle resection to see the frontal effect. Two places recommend Botox, AB, which also allows resection if the patient wants! Humans aren't good at self-control because it's hard to predict, and they tend to lose a little bit. I was planning to go to Biyu and Noh Jong-hoon, but most of them have similar opinions about my face and they only do one type of square jaw, so I was contemplating between two places, AB (Seung-hyun Ahn) and Human (Hwa-young Oh), but I decided to go to Human, who spoke honestly about masseter muscle reduction surgery and paid the reservation fee. I came here ㅠㅠ but I'm still a little worried.. AB also has very good reviews, and it's definitely much more up-to-date when it comes to buildings and machines... The director of Humando is famous and says there are no accidents, but he only has about 4 to 5 years of experience in contouring. As you said, I'm going to keep the angle and not overdo it, so I thought it would be similar and made a reservation for Human, which is cheaper in price! Still, I am very worried and worried.

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고민 하지마요 ㅠ
24-03-19 15:16
왜용 ?? 둘중에 너무 고민은 되는데 ㅜㅜ 비밀글로
뭐 아시는거라도 있으면 말해주세용
24-03-19 16:23
전 ㄴㅈㅎ 가보려고요 사각턱 하나만 해도 궁금한곳들 다 다녀보는게 낫지 않나.. 예약금은 거의 10프로 내죠?
24-03-20 01:19
넴 다니면 좋죠 ! 근데 수술법이나 추천해주시는 부분이
거의 비슷했고 저야 워낙 자연스러운 얼굴 라인을 원하니
딱 와 여기다 ! 하는 병원의 느낌은 덜하긴 했어요 ㅎ ..
24-03-20 01:27
휴먼 오화영 원장님 경력 4~5년이라구여?! 저도 상담갔는데 대학병원 다니실떄부터 윤곽 수술하셧고 성형외과 개원하셔서도 윤곽하셔서 10년 넘은걸로 아는데요!?
24-04-02 17:08
휴먼에서 하셨나요?ㅜ
24-04-19 19:30
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