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[Filer] ㄹㅁㅅ nose filler 1cc review after 1 year

Date 24.06.16 02:43:21 View 475
45 만원
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365 Days

When I think about it, I got my first nose filler around April of last year, so this is a nose filler review I wrote over a year ago. I'm the type of person who worries a lot, so I thought a lot about getting nose filler before getting it. What my priorities were at the time was 1. Enough to not worry too much about spreading. First, only a small amount (only on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows, just enough to fill in the ribs) 2. Even if it is expensive... Imported Restylane! But there are many types of them... there are places that know how to use the appropriate one for the bridge of the nose. So at that time, I was searching through YouTube and came across ㄹㅁㅅ, and I saw that you had just posted your opinion on the Restylane ingredient on a blog, so I had some faith... I only used 1 cc of it on my nose as much as possible. It seemed like you were looking for something natural and not overdone, so I did it here. If you want to have a consultation and treatment with the director, reservations are booked for more than two months. Otherwise, you can get it done faster by consulting with the director and undergoing the procedure. Price - 1cc was 45 manon including VAT (the price had recently risen...) Imported Restyrene lift? Review - He looked closely at my face before the procedure and started by drawing a picture. He didn't say anything unnecessary and just did the procedure. It didn't hurt too much or anything. Immediately after the molding was done, there was swelling, so I thought it might have been too much, but it was swelling! At this time, the bridge of the nose appears the most raised, so you can actually look prettier.. haha ​​But even if the swelling goes down, the curves between the eyebrows disappear much more naturally than before the treatment. They said they put it very slightly under the ribs, but it doesn't look that good, but I'm definitely more satisfied with the line than before. Now, a year later, it feels like the sharpness has become slightly dull (I'm not sure if it's the Given's fault), but it's still better than before. In fact, 1cc may not be a large amount for some people... but if you are satisfied with a subtle difference like me, you can be quite satisfied. And now this has spread a bit? I want to, but I'm not sure. Again, I am more satisfied than before. When you add highlighter, you can definitely feel the difference compared to before. Before, because I had an updo, no matter how much highlighter I applied, the bridge of my nose couldn't shine, but now, if I do nose shading and make the highlighter a little darker, my nose looks like a down nose. For those of you who are considering it, I recommend that you just get the imported product +1cc, even if it is expensive..!!

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* 비밀글 입니다.
24-06-16 03:27
* 비밀글 입니다.
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24-06-17 22:05
헐 나도 한번 생각해봐야겠당..
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병원 어딘지 알 수 있을까여 ?
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연세라미슈의원 입니당 원장님 한분이에요
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헉 정보 공유 고마워!!!
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정보 감사해요!
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