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[코성형] Short nose ㄱㅇㅈ +@ review. Jeko, give me some advice.. haha
작성 19.07.11 00:57:16 조회 4,254
The photo is about to pop...
 This is a photo of me blindfolded (of course hehehe).
 This is Shin Min-a's nose and Aoi Yuu's nose, which I think would be similar when plastic surgery was done with a bit of pop as the base (it's not going to be the case at all, but I hope haha)
 . I'm sorry haha.

I'm a person with a short nose, a slightly flared nose (it spreads a lot when I smile), a narrow nose, and a slightly curved beak.
I prefer a nose that is harmonious with my face and feels as natural as possible, rather than a nose that is too high or has a smooth, very pretty nose.
 I went for a consultation based on the basics of a safe surgery with no implants, one surgery, and no repeat surgery.
At first, I went to a plastic surgery clinic (I saw a nose reduction event on the ㄱㄴㅇㄴ app).
 I went to just have my nose bridge reduced, and they said it would make me feel better.
Just in case, I wanted to hear opinions from other places.
 They said that just reducing it was worse than not doing it at all.
 If the bridge of the nose is reduced, the gap between the eyebrows can look wider, but my face is like that... haha.
 Also, my nose is short, so if the tip of the nose is not aligned, the nostrils may be more visible.
 If you're just going to downsize, don't do it. (It was a credible statement...)
 Here, I was advised to shave the tip of the nose, extend the columella, and shave the beak and use silicone for that area. You have to have a sassy nose.
 I had my first mental breakdown here because I tried to keep it to a minimum.
 Similar to ㅇㅇㄹㅁ.
 They said they didn't like silicone so they had to use donated ribs. Since he said he didn't want to have a donor rib,
 it seems like he didn't give himself permission for plastic surgery. He told me to think about it and come back, so I left after talking only with the manager.
I thought about ㄱㅇㅈ as the last thing, and if I couldn't find an answer that would make me look pretty safely, I was going to give up on getting plastic surgery.
ㄱㅇㅈ review.
First of all, the building and hospital itself feel a bit old. (I felt like going to my grandmother's house)
 But it felt like a personal designer brand? Haha, it looked authentic and gonzo, so I was okay with it.
 Consultation fee: 10,000 won.
 I was 10 minutes late, but the consultation between the director and the manager (assistant? I don't think it was just the manager) lasted about 50 minutes.
Consultation with the director
 : First, take a picture from the front and side with your head raised, and say it is asymmetric. But they say 90% of people are asymmetrical and don't tell us to fix it.
 As I saw in the review here, they show pictures of women with curves and it looks natural. They say there is no need to make it smooth by removing individuality.
 (I think this is a counseling course, but I think it's the director's philosophy.)
 Since I have a sassy nose, I don't need to use silicone or anything like that, and I don't need to shave my beak.
 (I was happy because it was what I wanted to hear, but since he was the only person who said that... I was wondering whether I should believe it or not)
 Gathering the cartilage of the nose, using ear cartilage for both the tip of the nose and the columella.
 If you remove the tip of the nose, the upper part becomes curved, so ear cartilage is used for that part as well.
 Inserting fascia (fascia behind the ears) into the muscle inside the nose that connects the nose and mouth. They explained that it was a (nasal labial angle)
 rotational transplant method, but it was a bit difficult because it was a concept I had never heard of in other hospitals. He told me to look at the blog for more details.
While showing other people before and after photos, they said, “There’s no big difference, just a subtle improvement, right?” He said,
 “No! It’s a natural and very pretty change!” I answered. It really feels like that. It seemed like the surgery was not noticeable and the improvement was fitting.
 But I don't think there are many pictures of noses that are very similar to mine... ㅠㅠ
 Will my nose make me prettier? When I asked... that's a personal decision. The parts you don't like can get better and become prettier, but the cute or youthful image you have now may disappear. You did it.
And the manager? Assistant teacher consultation.
 He was very kind and explained it sincerely.
 At other hospitals, I heard a lot that the ear cartilage wasn't enough, and that they had to cut the nose or put something in. I heard that it was too wide, and they said that was absolutely not the case.
 He asked me what a wide nose was, and that I had to think about functional issues. He also said that my ears were thick and had enough cartilage, so I didn't know why I said that.
 Will my nose get better? When I asked, it was okay to do it, but it would make me look older than I am now, and my nose would be longer vertically, so my face would look a little longer, so I would look bigger than I am now. He told me to think carefully about whether this part was okay and then go somewhere else.
 I liked the defensive and conservative approach to surgery.
 This is the part that makes me worry because there may be more bad parts than good parts. I give it four and a half stars out of five. Haha (I left it out because there was no review of the same nose as mine..ㅠㅠ haha)
 The estimate is 330 excluding VAT (there were many people who got 300 a few months ago, but it seems to have gone up recently..)
My mind is leaning towards ㅇㅇ, but there is a big difference of opinion with other hospitals,
 so it's really I'm worried about whether it will get better... or whether it might end up not fitting in... ㅠㅠ
 I wonder what everyone thinks when they look at my photos.
I want to go to just one more hospital.
 Similar to ㄱㅇㅈ, I'm going to think about whether I should do it if I'm told I can just do it on the tip of my nose, or not.
 If you have a nose similar to mine or have gone to a hospital for consultation or plastic surgery, please share the hospital information or reviews!!
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