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I had double jaw surgery in 2012.

Date 16.04.28 17:28:33 View 1,338

At the time, I was in such a hurry that I quickly raised money and bought it. I think it was a hasty decision. The results are not that good. In my case, I had to rotate the upper and lower jaw to see the greater effect, but I just put it in. Also, the director at the time said that the chin tip could not be done because the nerve line was too low. In the end, I only had double jaw surgery... It got better, but the jutting chin was still the same... So, after much thought, I am attempting a repeat surgery in 2016. Of course, I think it would be dangerous to do double jaw surgery again... I think I'll just do the chin + nose. The place I'm currently receiving consultation from says it's possible to get a chin tip. The doctor there suggested that I have a second surgery, saying that it would have worked better if I had double jaw surgery, but it was expensive... and it would be difficult, so I'm thinking about just getting the size of my chin and nose. Has anyone seen great results just from the tip of the chin? The chin is long and the front chin protrudes.

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