Job Review

[Orthodontics] Please judge if I really did not do well.

Date 24.01.03 15:18:06 View 2,065
During days

I am currently undergoing orthodontic treatment at the dentist. It cost a whopping 10 million won, and the dental hygienists have friendly voices, but they seem a little tired and irritated at the base. There is something like that, but I think it was at a level that I could get over because I was a service worker. Then, I spent a lot of money, but when I proofread it, I think it's wise. The same thing came to me 3 months ago and I urgently went to the reception and said I wanted to talk to the director who provides orthodontic consultation, but he seemed very displeased. I guess that's because I spoke suddenly, and I wanted to consult for various reasons, and if it doesn't work out, I said I'd ask for it at the next visit, but anyway, they rushed me through, so I told them about my anxiety and I spent a lot of money, but I doubted anything was going well. I came here only because of the orthodontic teacher's reputation, and the waiting time was 1 hour. The teacher took a quick look and said that most dental hygienists did it all and was not sure if this was correct. After talking about this and that and listening to the explanation, I went home with my mind set once again. (I was grateful to the counselor for his kind explanation.) I also go to the dentist once every 6 to 7 weeks to get my orthodontics checked, and last month I went without saying anything, and then two days ago, Briquette came to me. I called the reception from afar to quickly make an appointment, but the phone call was very unfriendly... But I thought it was possible, so I rushed to get treatment and went to the hospital. But the dental hygiene teacher was really good and his manual skills were good. I wanted to know his name, and I couldn't say hello because I was so satisfied. The hospital is quite large and there are a lot of dental hygienists, and they seem to be randomly assigned, so there is a high probability that we won't meet again. In the end, on my way home, I called the reception and asked if I would like to know the name of the dental hygienist who just treated me and that I would like to at least say thank you for being so good. I said I would contact you, but even then I felt very annoyed. I thought I did it for nothing and said I was sorry, but I also thought I didn't do well here, but I didn't get a call even after sleeping for 2 hours, so when I left that day, I thought it was the beginning of the year and they weren't busy because there were no patients, so I called the reception, but there was no call, so I called. I was busy, so I thought it might be a mistake or that giving my name might be a burden, so after much deliberation, I called the reception to just say thank you if you don't feel comfortable with the name, but as soon as I called, the receptionist asked, "Who is the patient?" I delivered it, and he told me the name of the dental hygienist. I repeatedly thanked him and hung up. But I wonder if fate was playing a trick that day, and even when I swallowed my saliva, my gums were extremely sore, as if I was eating something cold. So I called, but they didn't answer hahahahaha. There were 3 people at the reception and there were no empty seats, but they didn't answer. I thought it would be painful, but I thought there must be a reason. And the next day, I couldn't sleep that day, I was groaning and anxious, and I was afraid that if I called right away, it would happen as time passed. I called him again and he didn't answer. I called him twice and he answered. So I asked him, "Why aren't you answering the phone?" and he said in an annoyed tone that if I call him multiple times, he might not answer. Does this make sense? What does this mean... So, it's been about 3 months since I told him about my sore gums, and I wanted to talk to the director of orthodontics, so I scheduled a consultation, but I was annoyed again.... No, in the beginning of orthodontic treatment, I asked for a consultation if I had any questions, but when I applied for a consultation, I got annoyed. Why on earth... Ha... I really want to tell the manager that the reception is a mess, but I know he's the same person... Is it really my fault that I didn't do a good job??? How should I take revenge??? ah! Also, as I mentioned earlier, the dentist will take a quick look and the dental hygienists will do everything for you, but the prices are high... I really want to discourage anyone from going to this hospital.

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