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[Double Jaw] Double jaw surgery Q&A 1st year review

Date 23.12.29 12:03:37 View 2,831

[Opportunity for surgery] Hello! I received double jaw surgery and 3 types of contouring (zygoma, square jaw, and front chin) on December 14, 2022. I underwent correction due to malocclusion from elementary school to middle school, but as I became an adult, my bite became misaligned again, so I had to undergo surgery. [Reason for choosing the hospital] I chose it because I had faith in the director’s surgical skills! Since I was a college student, I have always been interested in Western music, so I went to various hospitals for consultations, and while consulting with the director, I somehow gained trust. For some reason, I felt like the surgery would go well if I did it here. And after watching the surgical results of people who had surgery at Y-Gugang on YouTube, I decided to go for it because it matched what I wanted. [4th week review] ★ Recovery process: By the 4th week, I felt like I had recovered 90%. I can do almost everything in my daily life, and wearing a wafer felt very familiar. It's nice that now I can gradually eat more and more foods. During the first week, I couldn't sleep lying down? If I sleep lying down, my nose gets more stuffy and I wake up on my own every 20 minutes. But now that it's been 4 weeks, I'm so happy that I can now sleep well and sleep comfortably even when lying down! ★ External changes: After the 4th week, I could see that the swelling was going down day by day. Especially the day after I do a lot of activity, I feel like the swelling has gone down even more. And for me personally, it's only been 4 weeks, but what's certain is that I feel much better after double jaw surgery than before surgery. I really like my face 50,000 times better now. [3rd month review] After 3 months, I think recovery can be considered almost complete. Now that I'm in my 3rd month, it feels so far away that I even had double jaw surgery, so I can just live my daily life. Perhaps because the doctor performed the surgery well, there was no discomfort or concern. And almost all my senses have returned. [Meals] Now that it's been 3 months, my writing activities have become more and more comfortable, and I can eat almost any food with ease. However, since I am still undergoing correction, I am trying to be careful when eating foods that are too hard, and I am mainly eating soft meat. I tend to eat soft meat like bossam now. In addition, I also eat thinly sliced ​​fruits such as apples. As time goes by, the number of foods that can be eaten increases and it becomes easier to consume food. [External change] After 3 months, most of the swelling has gone down and I don't really care anymore! And obviously, as the swelling goes down, the face gets smaller. I have definitely become more satisfied with Western music as time passes! [6-month review] After 6 months, I think I've recovered enough to forget that I had double jaw surgery. There is no discomfort or pain due to the double jaw, and I feel that my recovery is now complete as my senses have returned. In double jaw surgery, the degree of recovery varies greatly with each month. If I survived the first 1-2 months after the surgery, recovery was fast and I gradually got used to it, so I was able to live my daily life without much difficulty. [Meals] Now that it’s 6 months old, all kinds of meals are possible. However, during orthodontic treatment, I feel a bit of pain when I feel my teeth moving, so I eat soft noodles in those cases. I think we have now reached a stage where we can comfortably eat just about anything. [External change] Now that it's been 6 months, I barely feel any swelling. It feels like it's all gone! Compared to the 3rd month, it seems like something is missing a little more. [1-year review] The first time I had double jaw surgery, it was more painful and difficult than I thought. Did I think the surgery was too easy? But now, a year later, my biggest thought is that if I had known this would happen, I would have done it sooner. [Eating] After a year, I've become so comfortable that I've forgotten whether I eat good or bad, and eating has become really comfortable. In the past, I often had trouble digesting food when I ate, but since my jaw and jaw are aligned, the food is chewed well and digested well, so I eat more. So, I am actually controlling my weight! Eating has become that much more convenient. [Change in swelling after 1 year] I definitely feel like it has completely settled down now with no minor swelling. In my eyes, it's still slightly different from 6 months ago. [Orthodontic Review] It's already been over 10 months since orthodontic treatment, and I feel like my teeth have become straighter and my face shape has become more well-shaped thanks to the jaw correction and correction! Now, even if I pinch my teeth with a rubber band, it doesn't really hurt. Since orthodontic treatment was done at a good hospital, it was more convenient because I could watch the progress and receive orthodontic treatment at the same time. [Finish] My parents were against it, and I believed them because they said I was pretty in their eyes, but my satisfaction with the surgery was so high that I felt like I was wasting the time I lived without orthodontic treatment. I am grateful to Dr. Seok-Jae Lee, who performed a safe surgery with no nerve damage and all senses intact -:)

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