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[Double Jaw] Where do university hospital workers perform surgery?!

Date 24.06.22 21:17:40 View 1,972
12 만원
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365 Days

Time really didn't pass for the first month, but it's already been 12 months since I had double jaw surgery + 3 types of contouring!  There are almost no foods I can't eat, and I don't feel any discomfort at all to the point where I forget I even had Western-style jaw surgery haha. I really wanted to eat things like crunchy radish radish on a Western-style bone, hamburgers with thick patties that require you to open your mouth to eat them, and tough tripe haha, but now I'm eating so well... Invisalign. Let's say I lost 4 pieces of stuff stuck to my teeth after getting braces...  When I only drank New Care, I couldn't eat anything and it was really hard to take medicine, but I still lost a lot of weight, so it was good haha. Now I'm gaining more and more weight, so I don't know if I should drink New Care again. That's about it haha. And for those who clicked because they were curious about the title, I would like to explain that although being pretty is important, I thought safety and experience were the most important, and I found a doctor who had the same mindset as the surgeon. Of course, since I worked at a university hospital, I know that university hospitals have a safe system, but since it is not a place that only performs orthognathic surgery, I was very disappointed with the experience. Y-Gugang had all the parts I thought were important, and the director seemed neat and meticulous . CCTV, one surgery per day, safety to be considered important, etc. He also said that he came out from another hospital with a surgical team to open the practice and is continuing to do so. When I went for the consultation, the moment I walked in, I thought, “Oh, I’m going to have surgery here.” What is a woman’s intuition? Yangak 1 Now that I'm in my second year, I'm so used to my current face that I can't remember my old face, but when I look at the photos taken by my friends, I'm still amazed by the receding mouth and chin. Before the surgery, my front chin was protruding, which made my face look longer, and many people say I look younger. I've never heard of it, but now my face is shorter and smaller, my square jaw is slimmer, and I often hear that I look younger! Haha. And when I take pictures, I always make corrections to reduce my chin and cheekbones, but now I won't be cool even if I take pictures with my friends! I do it hahahaha. Above all, since I don't have to cover it with my hair anymore, I think it's best to tie my hair up, wear a hat, and try out whatever hairstyle I want! If you are really worried about your chin and are under a lot of stress, not just for cosmetic purposes, it would be a good idea to find the courage to find a safe and good hospital.

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