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[안면윤곽후기] My mouth is crooked after square surgery--Please give me a lot of ripples

Date 06.06.30 03:22:43 View 2,213

I had a square jaw surgery around the middle of May . It wasn't too bad, but I wanted to do either the cheekbones or the chin, so I was a little squeamish . There is swelling on both cheeks, but when you touch it, it still feels swollen, and when you press it, it feels like a throbbing pain. Above all, your mouth is crooked. I thought it was just swelling right after the operation, but when you pronounce it like 'U', your mouth is rounded in front of your lower lip. Even if it is severely distorted and slanted, the lower lip is not the same on the left and right and the shape is identical ㅠㅠ And what's even funnier is that you have to close your lips and gargle with water when brushing and rinsing (I don't know how to express it.. ) ..that is, the muscles are not fully tightened and the right lower lip keeps leaking and water leaks out . Oh Hyun-kyung, who used to be Miss Korea, had a square jaw surgery and her mouth was crooked , so it's a lawsuit. She has surgery in Thailand so I can't ask where.. Black.. It's been a month and a half since my surgery, and I'm wondering if I should continue to live with a crooked mouth .

잘되야할텐데진짜's More Posts
Cmts 4
I haven't had surgery yet, so I don't know the details, but this is the first time I've heard of someone like you. Will such a phenomenon occur even after passing,,,,,,,, I don’t think I can go to the hospital where the surgery was performed, so how about going to a nearby plastic surgeon and getting a diagnosis?,,,,
06-06-30 18:36
걱정이 크시겠네여 저도 태국에서 했어여 한3개월됐네여.아직두 붓기땜시롱 외출을 마니 삼가합니다. 입술안다물어지는거는 많은 붓기때문일지도 모릅니다.저두 한달정도는 양치할때나 뭐먹을때 특히 물마실때 조금씩 흘렸거든여. 다른분들은 어쩌실지 모르겠지만 난 아직두 치아가정상으로 안돌아와여.윗치아.앞니쪽여.양치할때나 입앙다물때 쫌 딱딱한거 씹을때 어색하답니다. 님은 치아는 괜찮나여? 글구 광대를 누르면 치아가 찌릿찌릿하답니다. 6개월 기다려 보라해서 애써 참고 있답니다.먼데가서 한것을 후회해도 지금은 늦은거 같아여.좀더 지켜보구 따져두 따져야할것같네여.다른데는 한거없으세여?
06-06-30 19:05
다움에 안티성형 가보세요 님 같은 부작용말고도 여러가지 부작용글 많이 있더라구요..소송도 걸고 승소한 글도 있어요
06-07-02 12:07
님 지금 다 돌아왔어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 저도 지금 이래요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
24-05-12 08:01
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