Job Review

[안면윤곽후기] A review on Yangak. This week.

Date 06.02.24 10:34:04 View 2,903

Last week, I posted a review, but it 's been two weeks and I'm posting another review. After the first week of sleeplessness due to the pain, the pain was gone. Sometimes it hurts just when I sleep.. It was tolerable. ^^ The surgery range is wide, such as cheekbones, square jaw, bimaxillary jaw, and the tip of the chin, so the pain is the most painful. After about 10 days, the throbbing pain I feel while sleeping has disappeared and I am more comfortable. And since I only swallow water, I can eat porridge from the second week. I have a knack for swallowing water, so I drink it well..^^ Swelling.. I wondered if the enormous swelling would subside.. but it did . It gradually subsides, and the swelling is also subside like a small candy bite on the cheek . I also like the chin tip surgery and the square jaw cheekbones. Yangak went to the hospital yesterday, two days later, and removed the rubber band in his mouth. I can't even judge the shape, but because of the implant, my words are slurred. It's not a human word... I can only communicate in a really simple way... When I asked how to eat porridge while wearing an implant, he told me to drink it slurp. He never told me about these inconveniences before the surgery.. If I had to put a cast in my mouth for a month, why the hell did you say that you can go to work in two weeks? . There aren't many people who do orthognathic surgery, so there aren't many reviews yet, and I didn't know what kind of discomfort there was. After that, I decided to wear the implant for a week except when eating and brushing my teeth . They say that they are wearing implants unconditionally now, but after a week they will be able to put them on and take them off. After hearing the stories... I removed all the upper and lower seams... and disinfected my mouth, I inquired about the scars on my face. I heard that cheekbone surgery involves making an incision in front of the ear.. The incision is small on one side and the incision is almost 2cm on the other side. I asked if this was too bad.. They said that if I cover it up with makeup for about a month, it won't show after that.. Whether that's true will only be known after time passes. And there is a few millimeters of scars on the square jaw. I also had the stitches removed there. It was attached to the face with swelling tape, so I didn't know it well. When I asked why this is the case, he said that during double jaw surgery , he puts a wire in his face, but the equipment was not developed, so there was only a straight instrument. Therefore, they said that the wire could not be inserted through the mouth, so a slight incision was made on the outside. I'm more concerned about the scar on the square jaw than the big scar on the side of the ear. ㅠ_ㅠ This... If you get a little scarred, doesn't it mean that you can't turn your head back and wear a hat? It was a day when I was upset because of the scars and because of the implants in my mouth. Also, I said to brush my teeth gently, but my mouth doesn't open because of the implants, so how the hell can I brush my teeth... TT_TT I did the surgery in the hopes of becoming pretty, but I'm upset because of the inconveniences. I wish I had told you about the scar in advance... I wish I had told you in advance that I had to wear the implant for a month ... Then I would have told the workplace in advance. So, after consulting her for facial surgery, she went into nose surgery. The purpose of facial contouring was for nose surgery. The nose surgery lasted for about 2 hours, and to check all the inconveniences in advance, I started squirting a lot of water. That's how I want to be prepared. For nose surgery, the tip of the nose was tied, the tip of the nose was made with ear cartilage, and the tip of the nose was placed upright 3mm with silicone. And the bone in the center of the nose protrudes and is osteotomy there. So, after surgery, I took a cab home after resting with a nose gibs. Now the plastic surgery of my life is the last... I made a promise and looked at my face in the mirror and tears came to my eyes.^^; It's so hard...hehe (I'm trembling..) Compared to facial surgery, nose surgery doesn't hurt because it's just the blood of a new foot. Some people said that the ear cartilage was removed , but this kind of pain is nothing compared to facial contouring surgery.. I slept well yesterday and woke up today without painkillers. I make white porridge and drink it.. I take prescription medicine.. I apply a steam. For a few more days, I go to war with swelling. I'll post a review again in a week or so~ After a week, the nose stitches will be removed and the mouth implant will be removed. Please, no more discomfort. I hope the surgery goes well. It would be nice if I could only know the effect of the double jaw surgery, but I haven't decided yet.

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님-_ㅠ 수고하셨어요. 흉터.. 핀 박을 때 생기나보네요. 이거 은근히 신경쓰이는데...- -... 안 없어지면 어쩌죠-_ㅠ
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DL Plastic Surgery Clinic
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매부리때문에 코 수술을 받았었는데 제대로 교정이 안돼서 결국엔 코 재수술을 하려고 마음 먹었습니다 ㅠ이번엔 꼭 성공하고 싶어서 누구보다 열심히 찾아본 후에 맘에 드는 병원 추려서 상담 잡았어요! 제일 먼저 다녀온 곳이 디엘인데 후기에서 봤던것처럼 직원분들이 넘 친절하셨고 병원 내부도 깔끔해서 첫인상 합격~~ 원장님이 상담 때 자세히 봐준다는걸 알고 갔지만, 이렇게 자세히 봐주신다고? 할 정도로 꼼꼼히 봐주셔서 넘 마음에 들었습니다. 코 재수술인만큼 문제점을 확실히 개선하기 위한 맞춤 수술 플랜을 이해하기 쉽게 설명해주셨고, 과한 추천없이 딱 필요한 부분만 말씀해주셔서 믿음이 가더라구요? 매부리를 확실하게 교정하는건 물론이고 제가 원하는 느낌인 자려한 느낌으로 디자인 다시 잡아주셔서 니즈반영도 제대로 해주시는 느낌을 받았습니다! 군더더기 없이 전체적으로 깔끔하고 만족스러운 상담이었어요!
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