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[3 type of Contour] Contour type 2, 2nd week, 1 month review

Date 24.04.22 17:55:27 View 2,867
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<수술 후 한달차>

<2 weeks after surgery>3/23 I received 2 types of contouring + nose revision surgery from Dr. Yoo Ji-han. In order to correct the asymmetry of the chin and shorten the length, I had long curved surgery and the tip of the chin was advanced because I had a chin. For the nose, the existing implants were removed and the beak was shaved with a non-implant implant. When I was hospitalized on the first day, my nose was a bit clogged and I was breathing through my mouth, but there was a blood tube in my mouth and my throat was swollen, so I felt anxious because it was difficult to breathe and my airway felt narrow. The nurse told me it was psychological and told me to try walking instead of just lying in the hospital room. This made me calm down a little. I was very thirsty and in pain, so I couldn't drink much water or the New Care they gave me, but I wasn't hungry, probably because of the fluid. I was uncomfortable due to jaw pain and the compression band, so I stayed up most of the night and was discharged. After I was discharged from the hospital, even while I was sleeping for a week, I gargled frequently, once an hour, and drank only New Care, being careful not to get inflamed. By the end of the week, my hunger had gotten worse, so I only ate pumpkin porridge or rice wine without any ingredients, and the director said I was managing it well. After taking off the nose splint and pressure tape, I am walking well and the swelling is going down a lot and the bruising is going down little by little. I don't know if the surgery is symmetrical yet because the surgery focused on making the nose and chin symmetrical, but it's still only 2 weeks, so I think I'll have to wait for the swelling to go down. (After a month) The overall swelling has gone down a bit and I can go out with makeup on, but the candy puffiness on both cheeks still needs to go down for a few more months. Now that I think about it, I regret it a little because I wish I had a clown as well, but the three days after the surgery were really difficult and I don't plan on going through it again, so I think I'll just live with it. I still have numbness in my jaw, muscle tightness, and tightness, but it's only been a month. I'm trusting that it will be okay as time goes by. However, these days, every time I eat something, I feel goosebumps coming out of my mouth, which is uncomfortable. A month later, I met a friend for an appointment and was told that my face looked shorter, so I felt it was definitely working. Although I am worried about sagging in the future, it is a surgery I do not regret yet, and I am looking forward to the overall outline after the swelling goes down further.

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