I thought re-surgery was not my thing, but human greed seems to be endless haha.
Of course, my face became much prettier than before the first surgery, so people around me told me there was no need for re-surgery,
but every time I looked in the mirror, my cheekbones slightly protruded and my jaw was asymmetrical. It was annoying and I didn't like it when I took pictures and I wondered if they had surgery for this...
After thinking about it, I went to get a consultation, and the director told me to make myself slimmer!! V-line!! I shouted, but they told me that a slim chin is not necessarily a good thing. I felt a tingling sensation in my head, as if I had been hit by something;;;;
He said he would do a good job to suit my face, and I trusted the doctor and had the surgery. I think he did a good job of not being stubborn.
Until the second week after the surgery, the swelling was worse than the first surgery, so I almost regretted having the surgery again, but I drank pumpkin juice and did light exercise like walking. The swelling gradually went down after a month!
I'll take better care of the swelling from now on so I can take a lot of selfies soon...