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Soon 40's Contour Surgery 1: Facial Contour Received last Saturday, the 22nd, and is currently on the 4th day. I will write the details.

Date 18.12.26 14:15:04 View 5,927

After the surgery, I got to know Seongyesa, signed up and left a message. I leave a regret that it would have been nice if I knew it a little earlier, but I am writing to give a detailed explanation. I finally underwent surgery by Dr. Jonglim Park of Banobagi. The hospitals I actually went to were TL and DA, and there were Noh Jong-hoon, Gyareumhan, T, and DA on the list. This information will be learned from other Naver cafes, not Seongyesa, and will be compiled into a list. My friend's younger brother worked at ID, so I decided to go there to see an estimate, but I couldn't go to ID to get a surgery urgently, and Dr. Park Jong-rim of Banobagi didn't have bad reviews, so I did it here. He tried at Noh Jong-hoon, but he said they were fully booked for Saturday. Thiel and Banobagi both said that they would have surgery on Saturday, but Thiel recommended 3 types, and Banobagi recommended 2 types (long chin + cheekbones). The price is 3.3 million won including VAT per part, and the price is about the same as in Vanobagi, Thiel, and other hospitals. TL and DA received an estimate the other day, but director Kim Ji-myeong of TL seemed tired but confident, and in the case of DA, he was a young doctor. Obviously, both of them are famous doctors, so I didn't have much doubt about their skills, but the question was whether the face design suited my design . because I received a consultation at Banobagi on Friday and had surgery on Saturday. When Dr. Park Jong-rim consulted, she told me that a soft face would suit me more than a sharp face, and she would shave her cheekbones with a long jawline. He said he didn't have to do 3 types. I wanted to have a face like a comb-patterned pottery, but in fact, I quickly agreed to the director's words because I was about to turn 40. I said that I had to go to work because both the surgery and the swelling were a problem, and he said that he would take care of it as soon as possible. So, you decided to do some more swelling reduction procedures. The operation time did not seem to be 2 hours. I went in at 9:00, but woke up at 1:30 in the operating room. I'm still not sure why this is, but I'll know if I look at the surgical procedure, right? It's the 4th day now, and the face is almost like Anpanman's, and those who fall out within a week after surgery seem to be peculiar. I also rarely have bruises, but my face is like Anpanman. I had surgery on the 10th, but I am afraid to go to work. Banobagi Plastic Surgery Hospital is a large hospital, so it has the advantage of being kind, clean inside, and good service. I went without a guardian, but the nurses took good care of me, so I stayed comfortably. The first day of surgery: The operation time was too long, and later, it seems that there was a person who operated next to me. There was an operating table, but I don't know if it's possible to have 2 people at one place... Anyway, time passed and I was told to get up, but I couldn't get up because my stomach was pounding. On the first day, I was lying in bed, but the pain that made me want to die? I don't know if it's a side effect of the anesthetic or antibiotics, but I just thought it would be nice if I died like this. I have a blood bag in my mouth and going to the bathroom is a pain. I'm dizzy ㅠㅠ The second day after surgery: I think I'll be fine on the second day, but I'm Gaeko. I thought again that I would rather die like this, and after lying down to rest, I was finally able to come home in the afternoon. I thought about why I had this surgery 50,000 times and promised myself that I would never do it again. At this time, remove the blood bag from the mouth, and after that, I can't sleep unless I take a large Anpanman / painkiller. The third day after surgery: My face is more swollen. Fortunately, there was less bruising, but it was swollen to the point where I wondered if this was my face. I'm returning to work next week, so I wonder if this is a true story.../ I can't sleep unless I take painkillers . The fourth day after surgery: Today. The degree of swelling in my face gets worse day by day. And the pain is enormous every morning. My face hurts so much. On the day and the second day of the operation, I felt like I was going to die because I was sick, but now I feel fine and my face hurts and I feel like I am going to die. I took painkillers today. Starting tomorrow, I will start a swelling reduction program. Looking at the progress, I'll tell you again as a result of how well you're doing. I like the doctor at this hospital. I can't tell you that it's not good yet because the results of my surgery haven't come out yet. However, I'm sure the hospital is clean, kind, and good service. Like the diary of Sungyesa, I will start with the swelling on my face and leave it soon, so please watch over it! I will leave another review soon. (Surgical doctors, no matter how good they are, can make mistakes because they are human. Doctor's condition is also very important. There are people who use pay doctors, but I wonder if the doctors who use pay doctors for surgeries under their own name are sane. If the surgery goes down after you write Seo Pay Doctor, your life will be ruined too...) Oh, after the surgery, as the doctor tells you, for a week, eat raw Mieum, pumpkin porridge, etc., and eat hot. Pumpkin juice is also good, and it is sold at pharmacies called Elas A. Eating it reduces swelling, so I take one a day. Facial contouring is a much bigger surgery than I thought. Right now, I also have very poor senses on my face, but anything hot is absolutely forbidden. You can pick up pumpkin porridge from Dongwon as it is, throw away the beans and other ingredients inside, and eat it. It's ugly to go out during the day, so walk around the neighborhood at night~! The swelling seems to go down a bit! Soon Forty Contour Surgery 2

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Cmts 27
오역시 필력이....굳...앞으로 붓기와의 전쟁 ㅠㅠㅠ 화이팅예요!!!♥♥
18-12-26 14:54
[@쀼리얩] 담주 출근인데 괜츈겠나요?
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화이팅입니다 ~!
18-12-27 10:51
[@꽃동자]  잘되야할텐데요
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이글보니 일주일후에 일상생활가능하다는 어플윤곽3종후긴
전부 거짓말같네요.. ㅠㅠ
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[@테일러힐] 일주일은 절대 불가능입니다. 중요한건. 제가 붓기거 심한스타일도 아니예욤
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ㅠㅠ 보기만해도 울렁거리네요 ㅜㅜ 얼른 나아지세요 ㅜㅜ
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[@LHT]  오늘 딱 이주차인데 많이 좋아졌어요
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고생하시네요ㅠㅠㅠ저도곧할껀데 너무 무서워요ㅜ
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[@앞으로뒷태] 660만원에 했습니다
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