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4th week of facial contour nose revision surgery

Date 17.01.07 22:25:35 View 4,034

I left a message before the surgery, but thank you for your encouragement. I have rhinitis and panic disorder in my late 30s. I did it after worrying about 3 outlines and nose reoperation. Above all, the aftereffects from general anesthesia (wheezing), sore throat, cough and phlegm were the most difficult. It was really painful to breathe even with the nose. The director was too afraid to breathe from the beginning, so he decided to remove the snot immediately the next day. It is said that people with only facial contouring have a lot of stuffy nose. After that, even after being discharged from the hospital, I had a fever and a cold, coughing to death, runny nose, stuffy nose, sore throat, so I couldn't sleep for more than 10 minutes for 5 days. It was really hard for a whole week.. My husband is on a business trip for a long time, so I was in a foreign country, and my mother-in-law took care of me. feel the sting? heterogeneity? It was so bad, I still have some. If it wasn't just a cold, I would have worked hard on a walk, but the otolaryngologist told me not to go out without taking in the cold wind. When you have a cold compress after surgery, be sure to wear a sweater over your hospital gown and wrap your neck with a scarf. I had a cold on the day of the hospitalization on the day of surgery, so I caught a cold. It's been 3 weeks and 3 days now. The clown doesn't feel hooked, and the chin is so long, I'm completely satisfied with the length now. Of course there is still swelling like a bite of candy, but my mom said she looked too young because she was pretty. It's like a baby haha ​​Hedgehog mom;; Even though the groom is five years younger, I originally looked younger (she was a woman with a large face, strangely..) She sent me a picture and she said that now she is the same age as me ;; I wanted to do that, and my wish came true. Yes, my wish came true. Now management is my responsibility..but there are a lot of worries. Oh, the downside is that the lower canal of the face is shortened and the pharynx looks longer (since I had nose surgery, the pharynx still looks longer due to swelling of the nose tip), and the neck wrinkles that were not long chin are visible.. How long was the chin? Wait... The hospital recommends eating only liquid food for up to two months, especially because of the clown, never chew hard foods. If possible, don't eat chewing food. Also, some hospitals say they do it for a week.. Here they say to do it for a month. I'm still craving it and I'm writing. If you have a clown outline and get work done, you eat a regular meal, but I try to keep the liquid food. As I am older, I want to keep the good news for recovery. I also ordered a high-frequency device. Everyone prepare well before surgery, and take into account that recovery will be difficult. It's a really big surgery, but I'm so grateful and happy that the day I can write this review without any major problems has come ㅜㅜ I'm going to live my life harder!

코난짱구아따맘마's More Posts
Cmts 16
* this is a secret.
17-01-10 11:35
[@laluu] I did it at TL
17-01-10 17:44
You worked hard!! I also have surgery on the 25th and I'm so nervous.
17-01-10 21:04
[@Rare] Are you worried a lot ㅜㅜ You need to eat well before surgery and build up your immunity and stamina to recover quickly. Our medical staff are excellent, the surgery will go well! ^^ Ah, after surgery, make sure to keep your neck warm when you are hospitalized so you don't catch a cold~~!!
17-01-10 23:34
고주파기기 혹시 어떤거 구매하셨나요? 저도 아예 살려다가, 심부열기계 잘못 사용하면  쳐짐 더심해진다해서 못받고 있어요~~!
17-01-11 16:54
[@달콤깜찍이] 전 네오플러스 샀어요~ 쳐짐이 더 심해질수도있나요?ㅜㅜㅜㅜ 고출력이 좋대서 이왕이면 높은거 사려고 비싸도 네오 샀는데ㅜㅜㅜ
17-01-13 15:01
고생많으셨네요!! 저도 오늘 티엘 상담 받고 왔는데 다들 부작용 블랙 어쩌고해서 ㅠㅠㅠ 걱정ㄷ가지규오 ㅠㅠ 저는 상담 마음이 드럭거든요 실시간중계도 해준다그루규 ㅠㅠ
17-01-11 17:16
[@모르겟다] 티엘도 잘안된분도 있다고 저도 쪽지도 받고 그랬지만 걍 원장님 믿고 했어요 잘된분이 더많기에..ㄴㅈㅎ도 ㅂㄹㅇ도 다 백프로는 아니라고ㅜㅜ 어차피 상담 다 다녀도 알수없기에..
17-01-13 15:05
17-01-14 22:59
우와 고주파 기기 구입어디서 하셨어요?
안면윤곽후 고주파해주면 더 좋아지나요?
17-01-24 20:53
화이팅 ㅎㅎㅎ
17-01-26 03:26
* 비밀글 입니다.
17-01-29 03:15
저도 티엘에서 곧 하는데..광대가 훅 들어갔으면 좋겠거든요..티엘에서 하신분들 다 광대는 크게 별 차이 없다구하시네요ㅠ하..
17-01-30 18:16
17-02-25 01:46
축하드려요. 많이 예뻐졌겠네요. 병원 정보 얻고 싶어요.~
17-03-16 00:01
저도 티엘에서 했고 3일차에요 죽겠어요 ㅠㅠㅠ
18-04-06 22:24
water drop plastic surgery
hospital info
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