Job Review

I would like to ask about facial contouring, cheekbones, and cost (to give as a gift to my daughter)

Date 17.01.06 23:14:41 View 2,434

Question 1 In the case of the rotator cuff, the names are all different, such as rotational 3D. In the end, are they all the same or how much is the difference in cost (because the cost is not enough) 2 There are hospitals that do events and hospitals that don't . (The price difference is too big) 3 Currently, I've looked at either ㄴㅇ or ㅇㅇ that Kwanghee advertises, but I don't know what it   's going to be like, but I don't know what it will be like . I didn't understand it well (possibly, it would be appreciated if you let me know with a slightly obvious first voice ^^  Thank you

예쁘구낭's More Posts
Cmts 6
Let's keep the bulletin board. This is a bulletin board for surgery reviews.
17-01-10 21:19
Two years ago, I had the same surgery at the same place as Kwanghee, and the price was 500 won, including removal of the cheekbones and chin masseter muscle! The names are slightly different, but when promoting, there are not many reviews about places that advertise as if they were made by you. In particular, the quick facial contouring seemed less satisfactory, and cutting a tee in the middle of the chin was burdensome because no matter how well it fit, it cuts the middle... Anyway, I received it as an event, but I don't think it's just an event and it's not like that!
17-01-12 15:14
[@Jiniebfi] I saw earlier that you did it in Nonhyeon, did you do facial contouring twice??
17-03-12 21:52
* this is a secret.
17-01-13 02:35
At that level, have self-restraint and show off your feet.
17-02-25 21:01
I'm also unfamiliar with the beginning. I'd like to share some too.
17-03-16 00:04
water drop plastic surgery
hospital info
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