Job Review

[Square Jaw] My review of double jaw surgery after 3 months of facial contouring!

Date 24.07.09 17:53:04 View 1,784
1500 만원
During days
90 Days

수술한 직후ㅎㅎ

<수술한 직후ㅎㅎ>









Reason for deciding to have surgery I had malocclusion since I was young and visited the dentist, but I was told that orthodontic treatment alone would not be enough, so I was considering double jaw surgery. As I grew up, my malocclusion caused asymmetry, and my chin became protruding, so it was not easy to accept my appearance when taking pictures, and I even avoided being photographed. As a result, it affected my daily life, and I became increasingly timid and my confidence dropped, so I decided to have surgery. Reason for choosing Lee Yu-gu I received consultations at about 5 places, but the first place I visited was Lee Yu-gu, where the kind director consulted, and Director Shin Hee-jin explained my pictures and jaw joint pictures in an easy-to-understand manner, so I chose her the most. I also liked the fact that the director had previously operated on patients with similar cases to mine and talked about the surgery in general. I am on my way home after being discharged on the 3rd day . My face feels swollen compared to yesterday, and I try to walk a little whenever I have time, but I feel weak because I'm hungry ㅠ On the 4th day, the swelling got worse and worse, and my neck swelled up. Still, I feel refreshed after my first shower and face wash after being discharged. When I took off the tape, I felt more swollen. I usually don't have much of an appetite, but I feel more greedy after only taking Newcare..! I have to go for walks a lot! It was hard to sleep at night because I was so swollen, but I took medicine and forced myself to sleep. I go for walks regularly and take Newcare regularly, but I want to eat regular food soon ㅠㅠ Green bruises are starting to form around my mouth and neck ㅠㅠ   On the 5th day , the swelling peaked last night and has gone down. Since I go for walks often, the swelling keeps going down. My jaw and cheeks are still swollen, so I'm doing mouth opening exercises whenever I have time! I want to eat food soon. On the 6th day , I slept better today than yesterday. I went for a walk for about an hour for the first time, but I think I should gradually increase the time from now on. Now I have almost no problem breathing, and I keep getting hungry, which is a big problem.   On the 7th day, I went to the hospital and got disinfection and laser treatment for swelling, and the swelling seems to be going down faster! My stuffy nose is now almost 80% gone, and my senses are slowly coming back. I want to eat more and more foods. In the 3rd week , the swelling in my mouth has gone down a lot, and I can go about my daily life without any problems, to the point where I don’t recognize my friends. Also, I can eat rice mixed with soup to some extent, so I want to practice the mouth opening exercise that the reason sent me and eat other foods that I can chew. In the 1st month, I also eat more, and I can cut noodles with scissors and eat them. The swelling has also gone down a lot, so I can barely feel the swelling except for my cheeks. I need to exercise hard to get rid of the remaining swelling quickly. In the 2nd month , I don’t feel any stinging sensation anymore, and I can go about my daily life. Even simple tasks like part-time jobs and light exercise have helped reduce the swelling a lot. Aside from the swelling on my cheeks, it’s the same as before the surgery. I’m looking forward to the 3-month mark! I had a consultation with Director Shin Hee-jin to see what’s happening after the 3-month mark , and she said I can eat whatever I want . I feel good because I think I just need to focus on reducing the swelling going forward. I can even do exercise like swimming, so I’ll have to focus more on reducing the swelling! I’ll come back and write a review when I have time. Anyway, I’m very satisfied with my double jaw surgery!

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오 비대칭 맞춰지신거 신기하네요 교합은 개선 체감은 어떠신가요??
24-07-09 18:13
선교정을 진행하고 수술을 진행했던거라 더 교합이 잘맞는거같아요!
24-07-10 00:26
오.. 진짜 자연스럽게 잘 되신 거 같아요 ㅠ 고생 많으셨네용....
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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수술전이 저랑 너무 비슷하시다
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