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After 14 days, pus was formed in the place where the thread suddenly came out.

Date 11.06.06 22:24:47 View 7,048

When I went to the hospital, I dismissed it as ok because it was a melting thread and said it was stinging, so the wound healed, and eventually pus was formed. Is this a sore throat? It really stings , how do you treat it??

제거's More Posts
Cmts 8
what? I did it in May of last year, but after a year of such a phenomenon, I squeezed it out like acne...
11-06-06 23:29
It's been 10 years since I had my eyes, but like you a month ago, I'm receiving ophthalmology treatment because I'm not on the stitches but on the double eyelid line..
11-06-07 00:22
yes?? I know it's not a buried melting thread, but it doesn't melt. It's just as it is.
11-06-07 03:17
That's not a thread . They said you can't squeeze it by hand lol
11-06-07 05:33
I was so angry that I didn't write in detail. On the 14th day, the thread suddenly came out, and the nurse rummaged through the hole where the thread came out, and the director said that there was a problem with the white thread, so I went to the hospital again, but the director was upset at the time... It seemed to roll as if looking at my own eyes, and then it was a melting thread and then whirling... After that, the thread protruding from the hole didn't heal, I don't know how long it would take to heal. It seems that there is an inflammation in the place that hasn't healed, but without saying what to do...
11-06-07 06:49
A hospital like that should be reported.
11-06-07 21:19
I know I have to go to the hospital.
11-06-08 17:58
I also tried to bury it, but the thread knots came out on the line, so I looked it up a lot, but I know that there is no melting thread.
11-06-09 23:53
Cowon Plastic Surgery Clinic
hospital info
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