hello hello! Its been a while hahaha I wrote a review on the same day and obviously turned on the comment notification... I checked late, so my reply to the last post was a bit late ㅠㅠ I thought it would be helpful if I wrote more carefully. If you have any questions, you can always ask! I was asked, [Is there a lot of restriction in arm movement?] and if I invest just 5 minutes a day in stretching, it seems to recover really quickly. More! I also asked [what is the condition of the scar], but if you look at the 3rd picture, you will see a little scar! You may not know it well by looking at the pictures, and it is still a month away, so you can see the scars, but the teacher was very satisfied with my scars! I applied Duoderm-like gel to the shoulder area for a week from about the 2nd week, and personally, I was really surprised that this gel was sucked... And when I visited the hospital a few days ago, he managed the scar with a laser. Every time I came to the hospital, I received a phototherapy called Smart Lux? It was very warm and good. I will also write answers to questions related to [Daily Life]! I started my daily life from the 4th day and started washing my hair myself! There was a feeling of tightness in my chest when carrying a slightly heavy bag, but other than that, there was no discomfort. I saw a review saying that the next day or the 4th to 7th day was a little more difficult than I thought it would disappear from someday, but I really sympathized with that statement. Instead, go for a walk! After about 2 weeks, I was able to get up on my own without pain from lying down, and the swelling subsided a lot. From then on, there was no pain at all. From the 3rd week until now, I have been living and forgetting the surgery, and I am hoping that it will soften naturally as time goes by! Everyone must have a lot of trouble, but I will help you as much as possible, so I hope you can raise your self-esteem as soon as possible hehe.