Job Review

ㅂㄹ Plastic Surgery Review

Date 16.06.09 15:21:36 View 5,075

It's already been 2 years since I had it. I had a lot of worries before getting on the operating table at such a young age. I was really short, almost like a pint. So when I was in high school, I went to a (local) plastic surgery clinic in my neighborhood and got a consultation, and the doctor said They said it was a difficult case for surgery because my breasts had a short radius and a small torso circumference. So they said they couldn't go to a small hospital like this and listed hospitals in group 2. Then, as time went by, I only remembered the hospital in group 1, and that was ㅂㄹ Plastic Surgery. It was a place that only did breast augmentation. Strangely enough, I think I trusted this hospital even before I received a consultation. The price was really, really expensive, but I know that no matter who got my breast surgery done by anyone, I would have been hard-pressed to be 100% satisfied, so I don't regret getting it done at B.D. I had surgery on the first day. I think I had a hard time for a while because I didn't wake up from the anesthesia. It was around 3:30 when I had the surgery, but it was almost 10 PM when I woke up. It was really hard. My dad came to pick me up, but he thought I just had the surgery because of a breast tumor. (I still don't know. Okay) Then, starting the next day, I slept leaning against the bed for about a week. The pain was so bad that I couldn't even speak. Fortunately, it wasn't noticeable, not on my face, but when I leaned back and got up again, it was difficult to get up on my own without someone helping me. And my chest was so tight that it hurt. It was really, really painful, so I called the emergency number to ask what was going on, and they said that my skin was very elastic, so they had a hard time suturing it. That's why the surgery time was so long. They said my skin would be a little tight, so I had no choice but to wait for it to pass for about a week. It got better as time passed. For your information, I had the surgery on Friday night and went to work on Monday. Fortunately, I had an office job, but it didn't interfere with my work. To be honest, I think it's a bit harsh. Anyway, it's a bit obvious now, but I'm 200% satisfied. I think I'll do it again if I have to do it again. It's scary, but as a woman, I don't want to live without breasts. Oh, for your information. I was very small, so I asked for the biggest size I could put in. I think I put in about 275. Since it was made of water drops, the price was about 1ㅇㅇㅇmanen. The teacher said it could be noticeable, but it is really noticeable. The feel and the shape... but. Among my male friends, there was a friend I didn't know about. Did you pretend not to know? Have you ever had surgery? I've never heard of something like this. I think it would be better to make it the biggest. I'm grateful to the teacher who gave me a new life. I hope it helps ^^

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Cmts 7
헐..... ㅂㄹ.... ㄷㄷ
16-06-23 11:45
마음에 드셨다니 정말 축하드러요~
저도 병원 정보좀 주세요^^
16-08-03 23:32
신체사이즈 어떠신지 알수있을까요?
16-10-21 11:56
와우..  비싸네요..  그래도 만족도 200프로..  그저 부러울 따름이에요...
16-10-30 14:16
16-12-27 18:08
ㅅㅎㅂ원장님께 했나요? 저도 가슴재수술 알아보는중이라서요
17-04-26 00:22
원장님 왠지 신례가가면서 괜찮은듯요^^
18-07-21 11:00
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