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[Breast Enlargement] ㄴㅌ Motiva Breast 2nd Week Review

Date 24.04.22 10:24:50 View 6,289
총 3개의 사진이 등록된 글 입니다.

Motiva Demi incision + floating chamber removal 275cc on both sides Day of surgery: Visit at 3 o'clock, surgery at 4 o'clock, fast for 8 hours, visit at 3 o'clock, see the director, go into the operating room, and I wasn't very nervous! As I lay down on the operating table, the anesthesiologist gently told me that anesthesia was going in. Then he woke me up and told me to get up. As soon as I got inside, I lowered my head and checked my chest first. When I moved to the recovery room and asked the time, I think it was between 6 and 7 o'clock!! I didn't want to sleep so I opened my eyes and moved to the hospital room. Only then did I feel dizzy, probably because of the anesthesia, and the pain in my ribs was enormous. I felt like my ribs were digging into my skin... I could hardly sleep at all... They gave me the pumpkin porridge and beef porridge they gave me twice. Then next time. Around 9 a.m., the hospital gave me shampoo, so I washed my hair and was discharged! ​Surgery Day 1 to 4: I had to sleep for an hour due to rib pain. ㅠㅠ I read a post on a cafe and said that it would get better if you take off the compression bandage, but I think it's similar... really, this is what I thought. When I see Jjujju grow along with the thought of why I did it, it is comforting and repetitive! Still, I was able to move my arms freely, so I was able to open bottled water and wash my hair by myself. Days 5 to 9 after surgery I received treatment on the 6th day! When I met with the director and had a pre-surgery check-up, he told me that I was prone to bruising. After the surgery, I got some bruises, but they are now fading out. He told me to wear the upper band and correction bra as is. I said yes and threw away the cotton, but it turned out that the side of my breasts were bruised. The manager said it was better to wear cotton! So, I'm putting the cotton pad back on the side of my breast. 2nd week after surgery: The swelling has definitely gone down a lot and the upper bulge has gone down a lot, but my breasts are still firm! It's amazing to see the shape starting to take shape. There's almost no discomfort anymore, but I'm overall satisfied with everything except that it's still a little difficult to fully raise my arm. I hope the swelling stops now.

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