Job Review

[Liposuction] Abdominal and love handle fat extraction injection review for the first week!

Date 24.04.09 16:55:36 View 574

First of all, I had my entire abdomen and love handles removed. On the day, I was so nervous and lay down on the operating table. It was really painful, even though it was anesthesia (I didn't cry) . I had no experience with surgery, so I only heard about a friend who had seen the results, and I almost died. It hurt a lot more than I thought, right after the surgery. I looked at my body and was a bit surprised to see that my love handles had already fallen out...! No, right like that? I thought it would be great if the swelling went down. I thought it was worth it even though I was in pain. I looked at the pictures after the surgery and I thought I did a good job!! They gave me grape juice and told me to drink it, and I listened to them tell me about precautions while eating it, but I was really out of my mind so I couldn't remember much. I looked at the pamphlet they gave me and tried to understand it. I was about to go home after the laser treatment, but the hospital told me to eat well and rest because I might feel dizzy. I had to live for a while, so I went shopping after the surgery. I did it, but I felt really dizzy. I think the bruises started to appear the evening of the surgery. The bruises were huge and the pain was no joke. I kept applying the bruise cream the hospital gave me. It hurt every time I got up and moved, so they told me to take off the gauze while showering after 24 hours, so I stayed like that. It was uncomfortable while lying down, but everyone said I could get back to normal life the next day after receiving it, but that wasn't the case for me. I went out the next day with the gauze on for a while, but the bruise was spreading and there was quite a bit of pain. When I came back, 24 hours later, I took the gauze off in the shower, and it didn't hurt. But was there dust on the gauze? lime? It didn't come off so much that I had a hard time trying to get it off by applying lotion and oil. After that, the pain got less and less and the bruising seemed to get better, albeit a little. I'm on a diet so I can also use earplugs. Once the bruising softens and the pain subsides, I'll start exercising too! !

bbovenny's More Posts
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붓기 이후로 살처짐 생길 수도 있나??
24-04-10 13:07
탄력이 원래 떨어져 있던 사람은 처진다고 느낄 수도 있겠지만 지방을 뺌으로써 처지는 건 아니야
24-04-11 10:48
부럽당ㅜㅜ 고생했어! 지금은 멍 많이 빠졌겠다!
병원이랑 가격정보 알수있을까?
나도 지흡생각중이라서 지금 손품파는중!
24-04-18 17:21
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-04-23 10:39
Top Face Plastic Surgery
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엄마가 피부 탄력이 떨어진 것 같으셔서 레이저리프팅을 많이 받으셨는데 이젠 나이가 들었는지 효과도 못보고 심지어 피부가 처지기까지 하시더라구요. 시술로는 한계에 부딪힌 거 같아 수술적인 방법으로 안면거상 알아봤고 여기 심재선원장님으로 같이 상담 다녀왔어요. 거상은 처음이라 긴장을 하고 갔는데 원장님이 수술이랑 관련된 부분 하나하나 상세히 설명을 해주셔서 이해하기 쉬웠었어요. 그리고 여기는 사후관리까지 체계적으로 되어있는지 수술 하고 증상에 따라 필요한부분에 관리를 해준다고 하니 저희 엄마도 저도 너무 괜찮다 싶더라고요. 전체적으로 친절하고 구체적인 상담이라서 만족합니다.
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