Job Review

[Liposuction] Forearm liposuction day 1 review

Date 24.02.19 03:34:10 View 1,236
1 만원
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1 Days

I'm 164/67. Looking at other people's reviews, many people decided to have surgery because their arm fat did not go away even though they dieted hard. But I was dealing with the stress of work by eating, so I never dieted properly, so I gained a lot of weight not only in my arms, but also in my thighs and abdomen. The thighs and abdomen can still be covered with clothes, but there is a limit to how much clothes cover the forearms. And when I took a picture, he looked at me correcting my forearm and got a kick out of it. I heard that one of the ways to do this is to start with acupuncture and then diet, so I decided to do acupressure for arm fat with the thought that if I invested money, I would go on a diet even if it was a waste of money. I consulted at three hospitals, including Royal Line Clinic, and the director of counseling at Royal Line Clinic was a nurse, and he really listened to me and told me everything I was worried about, so I liked it so much that I decided to do it here. On the day of surgery, I met the director, went into the operating room, sprayed disinfectant, and lay down. It was so cold that I started shivering. The doctors in the operating room were cold, right? I'll get it done quickly, and I'm glad you took care of it. I felt a little sore when the anesthetic was administered. Is it really so sore? I thought, and when I opened my eyes, I found myself in a recovery room. Because I had no strength due to the anesthesia, two staff members came and helped me get up and put on the compression garment, but it really hurt. Even the slightest touch on my arm hurt. When I got home and looked at it, I was surprised to see that it was straight and had no bulge at the back, to the point where I thought it was really my arm. I did this for arms 360 + floating breasts + armpits, and they said I lost 2000cc of fat.

borador2's More Posts
Cmts 3
Is it correct to lie down wearing only sanitary panties without putting a band-aid on your chest? Did you get an injection on the top of your foot? I'm worried about you ㅠ
24-02-19 05:33
가슴에 반창고 붙였어요. 위생팬티만 입고 엎드리는거 맞아요. 발등주사 너무 아팠어요ㅠㅠㅠ
24-03-12 21:27
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-03-29 18:54
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저희 엄마도 가슴이 없는 편은 아니라서 유전은 아닌 것 같은데 어릴 때부터 다이어트에 목숨 걸었던 편이라서 주기적으로 단식하면서 성장기에 끼니를 자주 안 챙겨먹었더니 ... 가슴이 작은게 아니라 그냥 없는 편이였어요 가슴에 스트레스를 자주 받아하시는 걸 엄마가 아시고 그럴거면 차라리 수술 하라고 먼저 권유해주셔서 진짜 전 0.1초 고민도 안 하고 바로 알겠다고 그럼 수술 하겠다고 오케이하고 바로 그 다음날부터 여기저기 조언도 얻어가면서 가슴 전문 병원으로 알아본 다음에 상담 다녔는데 상담 다녔던 병원들 중에서 물방울 성형외과 이영대원장님한테 수술 받았어요! 일단, 원장님이 하루에 수술을 2건밖에 안 하신다는 점이 가장 마음에 들었고 개인병원이라서 처음부터 끝까지 저한테 신경 잘 써주신다는 점도 좋았고 사후관리가 무제한에 캡스도 있는 병원이라서!! 가슴이 특히 사후관리가 중요하다고 해서 후관리 체계적으로 있는 병원으로 결정하고 지금은 수술 받은지 몇 개월정도 지났는데 아주 만족해요! ㅠㅠ그동안 스트레스 받았던 나날들이여.. 체형 고려해서 원장님이 사이즈 잘 잡아주셔서 전혀 부자연스럽지도 않고 모양도 uu모양이랑 i골 모두 다 잘 살려주셨어요! 수술 하기 전에 인스타에서 한창 광고하던 가슴골 모아준다던 속옷을 사서 해봐도 전혀 모아지지 않았었는데 물방울에서 수술하고 나니까 그런 보정속옷 안 입어도 충분히 가슴골 잘 생겨서 만족하면서 살고 있습니다....! 감사합니다 원장님! ps. 가슴 크면 헬스장에서 인바디 잴 때 체지방량 적게 나오는데 제가 물방울에서 수술 하기 전 인바디 체지방은 9였구 수술하고 나서 회복기 끝나고 다시 인바디 재니까 12 나오더라구여 ㅎ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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