Job Review

[Liposuction] Nowon Infinite Rams Thigh 1st Week Review

Date 24.02.19 02:50:48 View 2,762
365mc병원 노원점
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무한람스 전

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무한람스 전

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시술 직 후

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시술 직 후

<시술 직 후>

I had arrhythmia on the inside of my thighs in 20 years. At that time, I couldn't afford to do anything, so I could only get the inside treatment done.. I got married this time, too. I also had arm suction before getting married. After doing a lot of liposuction procedures, I found out that it was keloid skin, so it left a bad scar.. ?? And Jiheup couldn't help but feel that his skin wasn't as smooth as it used to be... The arm breathing I did before marriage was a bit... I was so upset ㅠㅠ that's why I told myself that the next time I try it, I'll take Rams because it won't look bad and will have fewer side effects!!!! I thought... The reason I got Thigh Rams was because I looked like I was fat in all the pictures I took on my honeymoon, and I had to wear long skirts because of my thigh complex... But I couldn't help but notice that I was plump (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩-̩̩̩_-̩̩̩-- ̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)… Just because you're married doesn't mean it's over... I somehow convinced my husband to do it, and I'm so satisfied!!! hahaha Among them, I got the treatment at Nowon because it seemed to be the most effective. I guess a safe procedure is important, but I also thought the effect after the procedure was important, so I tried my best to focus on the director who gave me a pretty treatment. I was also worried about pain because I was a coward!!! I decided to go here because you answered this question in detail without any hassle. On the day of the procedure, he was passionate from the time he designed it, so when he pulled out the hair, I didn't ask him to pull out a lot, but even from the day, the fat loss was clearly visible, haha. Infinite amount of fat was removed from the inner and outer thighs + 2 bottles of front thighs + 2 bottles of fat under the buttocks, for a total of 43 bottles of fat. I'm here!! Over 2 liters of fat hahaha The nursing teachers are so kind haha ​​It's amazing how my thighs are losing a little bit every day..

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