2 weeks after the rhinoplasty, I was told that the stitches were removed and it was sticking out like this, and it turned out that the costal cartilage had gone in and the nasal cartilage was slightly sticking out, and I was told to apply ointment to the wound every 2-3 hours for 2 weeks, and the protruding thing went back in. Yes. I don't know if this is cartilage sticking out of the skin or not, and it seems like a white film is forming after applying ointment diligently for a week. Is it okay if the nose cartilage sticks out like this and remains covered with the skin? The doctor said that it would shrink and that if he put it on, he would cut the cartilage and tie it back together. But I am leaving for the US again and it is okay to just stay like this, according to the doctor.
To be honest, I don't really care that it sticks out a little, but I'm worried that it might thin the skin and cause it to stick out and cause inflammation. What would you do if there were people like this? Is surgery the answer?
I asked the director if the cartilage was ruptured or covered by the skin, but so far there is no answer.
Should I have surgery regardless of whether it is covered or not?