My nose was usually very stuffy, so I went to a university hospital for a checkup and found that my nasal septum was very deviated. I decided to perform surgery on the tip and bridge of my nose along with the surgery for deviated septum. I lived without any problems until the 3rd month, but at a hospital I happened to visit, I found out that I had a nasal septum perforation... and it was really big. I'm not saying it happened in a very dangerous area... but the bridge of my nose was also a bit saggy these days . . Today, and the shocking thing is... I was washing my nose, thinking I should just live with it, and I found out that a medpore was sticking out from inside my nose. What should I do? If I gently put my finger in my nose and touch it, I could feel a square shape inside my nose. I really regret having nose surgery ㅠㅠ Ah, why on earth did they put in Medpore without consent when they decided to only have surgery on the septum cartilage? What's even more shocking is that the surgery was done by a professor at a university hospital . It's depressing.