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two nose surgeries

Date 18.07.04 13:17:44 View 1,312

After entering college, I always had a complex about my nose, so I recklessly saw an interview with a plastic surgeon in a magazine and begged my mother to go there. I was in Nonhyeon-dong, and I had nose surgery just in time, and a week later I ran into a person who came to check me out. Now that I think about it, it's really all kebab, but I let go. The results were not very satisfactory. There were no major side effects, but the side of the nose looked rather sunken, probably because the bone that was slightly swollen was severely ground, so the profile didn't look very pretty. And the nose raised with silicone and ear cartilage is not natural, so I heard that it looks like Pinocchio's nose. Eventually, I decided to have another surgery in my late twenties. Around that time, the tip of my nose seemed to be a little sore, and I didn't like my Pinocchio-like nose, so I looked into plastic surgery again. This time, I went to a plastic surgery clinic in Sinsa Station not through a magazine, but through an acquaintance of my mother. I don't know if this place still exists.   I went there worried about inflammation because my nose hurt once, but after the surgery, there was no inflammation, so I treated it again with Gore-Tex and ear cartilage. It was better than the first surgery, but I still have a blackout next to my nose, probably because I grinded the bones too much during the first surgery. Still, for the past 13 years, I just didn't care (I even met my husband after reoperation, but he said he didn't know that my nose had surgery. I came out 2 years ago haha ​​;) I've been living. From last year or so, I started to see something round and white on the tip of my nose . see you again today Her husband says he doesn't know anything about it and stops the reoperation. Actually, it bothers me. ㅠㅠ After reading the reviews, I was so worried about it, so I wondered if I could just cover it up with makeup. Since the tip of the nose has become shiny, the shape of the tip of the nose has also changed . Anyway, I think a lot of people have said it here, but I think it's right to start plastic surgery carefully. I started in my early twenties and had reoperations in my late twenties. If you do it for the third time in your early 40s now... will you have to do it another 10 years later? My heart is so heavy ㅠㅠ

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