It's been two months now... I'm really small (height 153), so my face is small and my nose is really small . You can see it. There are many doctors who say that the nasal septum is weak, so I underwent surgery at a hospital that uses ear cartilage to support it. It's okay so far , but I used 2 layers of ear cartilage support.. I covered it with 3 layers of ear cartilage on top. It's not like that. It's a very low nose, and it's thick skin, so the silicone doesn't show through . I don't have any distrust of silicone because it's easy to remove, but I have a very, very distrust of my cartilage. At the first surgery, I had cartilage repositioning, ear cartilage support, two ear cartilage supports, and three ear cartilage stacks..... I think I did too many manipulations. ㅠㅠ After six months, I want to lower it to 2.5mm or 3mm.. ㅠㅠ It's stressful that I lost my baby face image in the past, but I'm worried about what to do if the cartilage on the nasal tip is damaged or disappears in the process of manipulating the cartilage of the tip of the nose. What should I do? It's really stressful. The length is short, so I'm very careful about touching the bijou with the opening again.