Job Review

I had rhinoplasty yesterday^^ (Busan, a flat nose)

Date 09.09.06 10:37:12 View 4,145

I had surgery at 3pm yesterday. I was so out of it that I’m just writing a review now ㅋ I had my upturned nose surgery at ㅇㄷㅈ next to Busan Dongbo Bookstore . These days, many upturned nose surgeries are done with a deviated septum, but my septum is also small ㅠㅠ Just in case I needed a second surgery ;; I had it done with ear cartilage. I asked the director if my nose would become deviated again, and he said that’s not the case ㅋ Since you never know what will happen to people, I arrived at the hospital with a nervous heart and I think I went to the bathroom 2-3 times. I had another brief consultation before the surgery, took pictures, signed the consent form, paid, and then lay down on the surgery table. I think they’ll use local anesthesia there, so I just laid down in the clothes I was wearing. They were cutting my nose hair , and I think it got stuck when they were cutting my left nostril ㅠㅠ It seems like a scar.. It shouldn’t have much to do with the surgery, right?? Actually, I’m worried.. After I finished getting ready, the director came and started anesthetizing my ear, and I really, really, really wanted to come down and say I’m not having surgery !!! It hurt ㅠㅠ They put anesthesia in my ears and nose several times, and for a moment I thought they put me under general anesthesia. Reoperation... I thought I could never do it, but actually I'm indifferent now;; ㅎㅎ After the anesthesia was over, they took the cartilage out of my ear, and I could hear a swoosh ~ sound, the sound of my flesh being ripped, and the sound of the cartilage being cut . I joke a lot, but the anesthesia hurt so much that I was worried that it would hurt when the anesthesia wore off during the surgery. Fortunately, the anesthesia was the only thing that hurt, and during the surgery, I was just afraid of vividly hearing and imagining everything, so it was fine. They took out the ear cartilage and did the nose job, and the director carefully and thoroughly touched it several times, just like his first impression. Actually, I had my eyes tightly shut, so I don't know what he was doing;; I had cartilage put in and tied up. Anyway, it took a long time. After the surgery, my friend told me why it took so long and thought I was dead. ㅋ The surgery time is 1-1.5 hours, and it was supposed to be over in an hour, but I had it for almost 2 hours. ㅠㅠ Anyway, after the surgery, I was listening to the precautions blankly and got in a taxi when something dripped from my nose. Then, blood started coming out, and it kept coming out a lot until this morning. Now, I have a runny nose and some blood, and my nose has been running lately. ㅎ They keep putting gauze under my nose, so it's a bit stuffy, but... I drank pumpkin juice and put an ice pack on it since yesterday and slept sitting up, so it doesn't seem as swollen as I thought. My friend said it was a bit swollen, but it wasn't as swollen as I thought, so I'm relieved. I guess we'll have to wait until this afternoon and tomorrow. My under-eye area is already showing signs of becoming a beast . ㅎㅎ Oh, they said it was good because I didn't have a deviated septum, but my nose was sore and ticklish, but my ears hurt more than that. My ears are still numb. ㅠㅠ Some people say their ears hurt more than usual, and I think I'm one of those people. I need to get better quickly, but I'm worried. Ah.. I had 4mm silicone. At the first consultation, I was told 4mm, so I was going to talk about 4.5, but during the revival consultation yesterday, I was worried that it would be 3mm ㅠㅠ I was worried because she said to decide after the tip of my nose, but fortunately 3mm is low, so she went with 4mm. She said that it would be difficult to lower my nose 100% and that it would probably end up looking like a half-bow nose, but when I looked at the end, my nose and the tip of my nose really aren't in line. I guess it's because my nose is so short and upturned. But my friend was surprised that her nose went down a lot and her nose bridge got higher, so I'm just waiting for the swelling to go down. I think I wrote too long of a post. ㅎㅎ I'll take progress photos every day, and I'll upload them once the swelling goes down. It's still the first day. ㅋ Why am I doing it?? I thought that during the surgery, but after doing it, I thought it was nothing special. ㅡㅡ;;; I haven't had a child yet, but I think that's why I'm having another child. Anyway... I hope those of you who are thinking about getting surgery think carefully before you do it. I hope you all succeed and become pretty~~!!

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