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Never get nose surgery, really. Please read my post

Date 08.04.22 22:19:04 View 9,347

I decided to get nose surgery this year. I did it in a local area, and although it was expensive at first, I liked it. It was 4mm of ear cartilage. I had never had much of a nose bridge my whole life, but I was so happy to have it now. Since it was vacation, I had enough rest and was fine ! It didn't hurt at all during the surgery. I thought it would hurt a lot when I touched my nose, but it didn't hurt at all. That's it. It's like this. But March started and I started feeling unwell. I had half a beer for a family event, and I was stressed and tired. Then, the swelling suddenly started. To be honest, it was slightly curved, so I had to hold it a little with my hand. But people who have originally had a curved nose will bend it again even if they get it corrected... I still thought about getting it corrected, but it started to swell and lasted for about 5 days after the first surgery. My forehead started to swell as if it had happened. Phew. So I went back to the hospital and pricked my forehead with a syringe to draw blood. It actually hurt more than when I had the surgery. Still, I did it about 3 times and endured it. I also got antibiotic injections and took medicine. Because I took too many antibiotics. My stomach must have become strange. I was really suffering. But after 3 weeks, it started to swell again and I saw something blue. It was on the back of my nose. I thought it would go away if I got an injection like last time, so I went to the hospital again, but it was inflammation... silicone . They are asking us to take it out. I was so shocked. I thought I wouldn't have any real inflammation, so I made an appointment for the next day and took it off. It hurt so much that it almost killed me. It really hurt when I did it, but the reason I'm writing this is to tell you not to suffer because of a decision made in a moment. I 'm afraid there might be someone like me. On the other hand, I feel relieved after removing the silicone. I know that I can wash my face as I want. You don't have to be conscious of what others think. For those of you who are thinking about surgery, don't do it unless it's self-dermal. What's this? It's just a mental struggle and your body is ruined. Now that I've gotten rid of it, it's good. It's lowered. Still, I like Zeco~

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