It’s been 9 years since I had nose surgery. Suddenly, I am writing a review in the hope that it will be helpful to people who have an ugly, fat nose like me. I was really, really ugly and had a really fat nose in the middle. It felt like it had a huge circle on it, like a villain from the Popeye cartoon. The anti-beoseon line was popular at the time, and even when I was getting consultations here and there, I was told that it would be difficult for my nose to become like that. If I go to the factory type or get the same as everyone else, my nose will be fine. I knew that my nose was going to be ruined, so I decided to go out of my way to choose this hospital that received rave reviews for revision surgery and natural look. Reduction of the bridge of the nose, the tip of the nose, and the cheeks of the nose. It was expensive, probably well over 800. I didn't even do the nose reduction all at once; I had the nose surgery a year or two later, when the swelling had gone down and things had stabilized naturally. The director is very careful... In conclusion, my nose is not pretty. But it hasn't changed in a bad way! When I'm upset because I think my nose is ugly, I look at old photos and I feel like I'm going to faint. Now I have a fairy nose lol. Don't expect a dramatic nose that has been ugly since the beginning, but it would be better to think about improving your own complex. You have to hope that it will change from a pig's oak nose to a human's nose... Also, how natural is my nose? Haha. You are really pretty, but I hear people say that if you just change your nose a little, you will become a real goddess. Guys, I got my nose done..^^