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Jawline job

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[Double Jaw]

Yangak 10th month review

아이아이나이 2023-10-09 (월) 16:19 11 Months ago 5636
1200 만원
300 days
I had double jaw and cheekbones. My asymmetry was very severe and my facial bones were developed, so I had a lot of complexes from a young age. After I finished the military, I saved up money and said I would definitely get double jaw, so I ended up telling my parents and had surgery. I thought that side effects like cheek depressions and sagging were inevitable . I was scared of surgery because I thought it would be better to experience side effects than to live with my old face for the rest of my life. I didn't think about that at all. I just thought that I could do it naturally without looking like a lump and correct the asymmetry well, and that was enough, so when I looked for a hospital, I could fix the asymmetry. What two places wanted a competent and trustworthy doctor ? 3 places? I think I looked into it, but I looked into a plastic surgery place, a dental clinic that is famous for orthognathic surgery, and this hospital. They make and analyze reports before surgery, and they do everything about how to cut and attach, so I chose it because I had some faith in it. I saw a picture of the bone after the surgery. It was a real shock... My old face was big and angular and both sides didn't fit, so it was a mess, but after the surgery, the bones looked really pretty even though they were pictures of real bones. But after the surgery, I had to wear something like a frame in my mouth and tie it with a rubber band . I think it was probably done to fix the position of the upper and lower jaw. Anyway, the frame was thin on one side and thick on the other. It fit my mouth well at first, but when I took it out over time, the frame moved to the point where it didn't fit in a week or two. You shouldn't apply force while biting, but I kept applying force without realizing it. Maybe that's why, but now I feel like the corner of my mouth is raised to one side... And the problem is that since the side of my cheekbones is shaved, the part where the bone begins near my ear sticks out, and it's really annoying. .. Even when I'm getting my hair done, when I'm combing or shaving my sideburns, they get caught in those protruding bones, so it looks like I've had surgery. Now, the swelling has gone down a bit, and it doesn't feel like it sticks out and gets caught as much as it used to, but I'm still concerned about my cheekbones . The surgery itself does not reduce the width of the face, but rather shaves the cheekbones, so people with larger faces seem to have no choice. Anyway, I have heard many people say that their appearance has changed as the swelling has gone down for 1 month and 2 months, and for the first time in their lives, my face is smaller. I heard that in the past, if you took a picture, they wouldn't even let you see it, but now, isn't this okay? Right now, I don't have any pain or anything like that, eating doesn't feel uncomfortable at all, yawning really makes me open my mouth, and I think my relatives who see me every year, at the most, know about the surgery, but I'm not sure if they're not talking or if they really don't know. Except for the two of you, I don't recognize you.. Even my friends from middle and high school who I haven't seen in 3-4 years say that I've lost weight, and when I see them, I see that they've changed a lot, but it's surprising that they don't recognize me even though the broken bones are huge. But in real people, there's no end to greed, and the swelling on my face is due to surgery and swelling. Since it's lumpy, I spend another 200 to 300 for lifting and injections. I'm also preparing to get a nose surgery, and I'm so scared that I'm thinking about how to spend money on the dermatologist and whether I should get my eyes done or not.
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Comment 41
김김킴 2023-10-09 (월) 17:49 11 Months ago Address
아이아이나이 Writer 2023-10-09 (월) 19:56 11 Months ago Address
김김킴 2023-10-09 (월) 21:03 11 Months ago Address
아이아이나이 Writer 2023-10-10 (화) 00:00 11 Months ago Address
김김킴 2023-10-10 (화) 00:26 11 Months ago Address
말랑씽 2023-10-09 (월) 22:58 11 Months ago Address
아이아이나이 Writer 2023-10-10 (화) 00:07 11 Months ago Address
말랑씽 2023-10-10 (화) 05:22 11 Months ago Address
송미역 2023-10-10 (화) 11:25 11 Months ago Address
도도독독 2023-10-11 (수) 18:07 11 Months ago Address
아이아이나이 Writer 2023-10-11 (수) 21:12 11 Months ago Address
버즈55 2023-10-22 (일) 19:58 11 Months ago Address
아어당 2023-10-12 (목) 01:25 11 Months ago Address
장쁠리 2023-10-14 (토) 02:36 11 Months ago Address
아이아이나이 Writer 2023-10-14 (토) 15:01 11 Months ago Address
꼬마토레스 2023-10-16 (월) 20:43 11 Months ago Address
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율율율유 2023-10-17 (화) 11:31 11 Months ago Address
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