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Facial bone job

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ㅅㅅㅇ Clown’s review is half a year old!

예뻐지자123 2024-06-10 (월) 16:30 18 Days ago 707

It's been half a year since I had contour surgery at ㅅㅅㅇ. Looking at my face after 6 months, the swelling has gone down so much that it looks natural, like it was my original face. I had surgery on my cheekbones, and before the surgery, I wasn't too stressed about my daily life, but when I take a picture, my face looks different. It was so stressful to see my thighs coming out so big that I decided to have surgery. The main reason I chose ㅅㅅㅇ was because of the director's experience, but since it is a bone surgery, I did a lot of research and research before deciding. Post-surgery care was very difficult ㅠ_ㅠ For the first few months, I couldn't eat properly, it was hard to wash, and my face was sore. I wasn't able to return to my daily life right away because I had to be careful about using all the muscles that move my body , but it took a few months for me to feel better and I was happy that the initial discomfort was largely resolved! After the surgery, people around me said that they lost a lot of facial fat and that they looked slimmer, which was great! When I take pictures after the surgery , I am very satisfied that my face has disappeared from being too flat ! ㅅㅅㅇ I recommend it. The doctor was really good at explaining things step by step, so I was a lot less nervous before the surgery.
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Hyou1 2024-06-12 (수) 10:02 16 Days ago Address
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