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[Face lift]

SMAS Volume Lifting 2nd week

행운핑 2024-02-03 (토) 15:20 5 Months ago 1203
329 만원
14 days

Hello~ It's already been 2 weeks since I had the Smart Volume Colossus. I have dark circles due to rubbing my eyes a lot due to rhinitis and am in my 40s, so I was considering lifting and liposuction. However, since minimal incision + liposuction + fat grafting can be done at the same time, I scheduled the surgery date right after the consultation. I had some fat removed from the jaw line and transplanted a little under my eyes. Compared to contour surgery, the pain, eating, and swelling were all very bearable. My grumpy body and jaw line, which were my biggest concerns, have improved. It's just that the area around my temples that has been pulled and pinched looks like an inverted triangle like a flounder for a few days and I don't think it's me because I had fat transplanted under my eyes. I felt like my image had changed like a different person, so I was really worried. I almost cried,,,,,, but I thought it was all just a passing process and kept applying the ointment until the day the stitches came out. I'm still worried because the swelling isn't all gone, but the director said it will go away, so I'm trusting and waiting. I am also fortunate to hear that my health is strong and that it will last for a long time. I was told that I could wash my face right away, so I washed my face lightly the evening after the surgery, and two days later, I washed my hair and took a shower . Since I had the contour done , I was so excited. I can endure the pulling, pain, and tingling,,, haha . Oh, and seeing my husband get his surgery done was the best. They say this is where surgeons show their skills haha. They did a really good job of tying it together.
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Comment 6
따화춘흐징밍 2024-02-03 (토) 16:15 5 Months ago Address
Good job, great lifting
짱구는데굴데굴 2024-02-04 (일) 19:20 4 Months ago Address
The lines are pretty!
비켜보쇼 2024-02-05 (월) 00:49 4 Months ago Address
I think it will be okay once the swelling goes down!
날라엥 2024-02-05 (월) 03:16 4 Months ago Address
I need to find out about SMASH Volume Lifting.
코광대알아바여 2024-02-08 (목) 20:03 4 Months ago Address
you are pretty!!
부자에너지 2024-03-01 (금) 21:04 4 Months ago Address
I wonder what it is like now.
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