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I feel like I lost my personality after plastic surgery.

미안 2023-11-18 (토) 07:15 9 Months ago 6580 [CODE : 76738]
I wanted horizontally long eyes rather than vertically large ones,
 cute rather than cold eyes, puppy-like rather than cat-like...
 I liked a slightly rounder nose rather than a small and thin nose
 . I knew
that I couldn't become like the celebrity or influencer I wanted through surgery. I knew that too, so
 I just wanted to bring out my personality and become naturally pretty and handsome, but
 I thought I was hoping for too much.
The retouched photo of me was just Photoshop, and it was difficult to achieve with surgery. I asked
 if there was a photo of the look I wanted, so I took photos of celebrities and influencers for reference. I was asked to send
 a proper frontal photo, so I guess the problem was that I looked for and sent an ID photo, but
 the other photos were natural, but it ended up looking like the wide-open eyes in the ID photo. I
 sent other photos as well, but in that photo, my eyes were wide open and my eyes were wide open. I also see something that looks like this to me.
I liked eyes with an atmosphere even if they were cloudy rather than clear eyes, and I tried to emphasize them, but because I usually open my eyes towards my forehead, I had to do eye correction... I think it was a mistake to do that. I sold it to many places, but most people do eye correction
 . I believed it because they said it would be good, but since I said I would do it, who can blame me? I preferred
my double eyelids to my double eyelids, but I knew that there was no way to grow upward without double eyelids, so I thought it would be okay as long as they naturally grew into inner double eyelids.
Saying that you need to do front and back slits to make it horizontally longer, saying that you don't need to do a rear flap, but it will be more effective if you do it, saying that you don't need to do a rear flap, and saying that you have to do a top flap because the front line of the double eyelid is buried.
There were so many opinions, so I got greedy because I heard that doing it already would be very effective. I
 should have just done epicanthoplasty and thin inner double eyelids.
My nose also got too small and thin.
 Even when I corrected it, I thinned the bridge of my nose, shortened the bridge of my nose, and straightened the tip of my nose. I did the same correction method of
 making a small cut on the side of the bridge of the nose, raising only the tip of the nose, using auto-dermal dermis for the bridge of the nose, and slightly reducing the bridge of the nose, but it was
 so... different . The top of the nose bridge feels sunken
. It feels like a combination of all the things I don't like... They say
 the shape is okay, but I hate it so much
 . I don't think so.
 Even though everyone says it's okay when I show them the pictures,
 I hate my appearance in the mirror so much. I
feel like it's far from natural.
 Maybe I should have gone to a place with a lot of male reviews. Maybe
 it's because I chose a place with a ratio of 7 female reviews to 3 male reviews, but
 overall it has a female face. Every time I meet with the director, I tell him that
 I'm worried that the results are different from what I expected, but he just says, "I tried to make it as big as possible," and I feel
 so bad.
Even if I hear hundreds of times that it will become natural over time, I feel like my heart will fester before that, so I write
 a long story . Sorry for whining, I couldn't sleep so I wrote this down.
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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시간이 지나면 자연스러워져 나도 그랫음!
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이거 어떻게 보여?????. ㅜㅜ 비치는건가 걱정된다 앞트 실밥 풀러 갈때 병원에 말하면 조치가 될라나????? 이랬던 경험 있는 사람 있을까????? 나중에 시간이 지나면 없어 질라나.. 유독 한쪽 눈만 잘 보여서 더 신경쓰여
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