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Rhinoplasty review (ㄷㅇㅇ, ㅂㄹㅇ, ㄹㅋ, ㅈㅇㅈㅇ, ㅊㅇ) Long post caution

브루넷 2021-07-24 (토) 03:18 3 Years ago 6374
I haven't been to many places, but I'm leaving a review with my poor writing skills to help those who have already decided to get rhinoplasty but can't figure out which hospital to go to.
1. ㅇㅇㅇ (ㅇㅇㅅ)
 Donor rib + silicone + osteotomy + ear cartilage
 First of all, I learned from my own experience why people say to avoid large hospitals. Long waiting time. Forced reservation fee. Coercion of a specific doctor. Botox filler recommended to avoid refund of deposit. First of all, the director was the worst, and I couldn't trust the doctor he recommended. When I first received consultation, it seemed like a flashy style. It was the only one that recommended osteotomy. That way, it looks sharp when seen from the front. In other hospitals, there was no mention of osteotomy itself because it was so small. I went somewhere else and immediately took out the reservation deposit, although I had a hard time getting it out. The eye consultation was okay, but I won't mention it.
2. ㄹㅋ (ㄱㅅㅅ)
 Silicone + ear cartilage + cat surgery (because of the nasolabial angle)
 When the director said that he would provide virtual plastic surgery, I asked how he could do it, but all he did was fiddle with it using Photoshop or something. He showed me a side view and said that he recommended cat surgery because the nasolabial fold was very rolled up and the nasolabial angle was small and not pretty. It was only at this time that I became fully aware of my problem. It wasn't the doctor's style to raise my nose excessively, even using costal cartilage. My current nose line is pretty, so let’s just raise it a little. The explanation was that using costal cartilage does not mean that the columella can be removed like that. However, if you really need to ask for rib cartilage to be used, my style is to use autologous ribs rather than donated ribs. We unconditionally recommend the patient’s own materials as ingredients. To further increase the effect of removing the columella, it is recommended to raise the nasal wings. When the doctor explains things, it's a little less common, but is it normal speaking? The way the managers spoke was a bit commanding, so I felt more uncomfortable in that position. Anyway, the overall feeling I got was that his sharp eyes were better than those of the doctors I had received so far. And the point was to explain it in a way that the patient could understand. A place where I thought about it until the very end.

2. ㄱㄱㄹ
 Donor rib (if necessary) + silicone + ear cartilage
 I went here twice. Because I didn't hear much of the explanation compared to other places and it was my first time going without knowing what to ask, so I received advice from another hospital. I collected it and went back. The teacher is a bit blunt and doesn't give long explanations. Short and concise. If you ask a question or give a detailed explanation, the teacher tells you to trust him because he will take care of it. When I brought it to Shin Se-kyung’s nose, she clearly said, “I can never do it this high on my nose.” I heard that many people recommend donated dermis, so I went there because I was afraid of inflammation, but he said that low noses like mine should be raised with silicone. They said they would remove the columella using the nasal septum, but if they thought it was not enough, they would use a donor rib. (Open it and judge!) Once again, it seems like he knows the problem with the nose and how to improve it, but he doesn't tend to explain it carefully to the patient. I'll say it simply and clearly and that's it. The consultation time is very short. When I went for the second time, I brought along pictures of the celebrity noses I wanted and pictures of the celebrity noses I wanted to avoid, as well as a questionnaire and tried to get a long consultation, but it was only a 10-minute session.

4. ㅈㅇㅈㅇ (ㄱㄷㅈ)
 Costal cartilage + nasal septum + ear cartilage + silicone
 A bit blunt and rough in ㅂㄹㅇ and ㄹㅋ? I went there after receiving counseling, and he was kind and caring like a father. I may have accidentally paid the reservation deposit. But I canceled it later. Since that's all I've already posted before, I'll give it a pass
5. ㅊㅇ (ㅊㄴㅈ)
 I want to tell people to go to this place and get a consultation even if they don't get surgery. If ㅈㅇㅈㅇ is like a caring father, ㅊㅇ is like a really good and kind tutor. I only had one hour of consultation, but it made me want to pay more for the consultation. The doctor's mindset was not to do sales, but to treat her, so I think the director felt different from other hospitals. Her hour-long consultation would be too long to write here, so I'll just tell you the main points that impressed me. When I brought pictures of the nose I didn't want to look like and the nose I wanted to look like, after analyzing and listening to my explanation thoroughly, I was able to understand very clearly what I thought the differences were between the two and how my nose would likely look after surgery by comparing them with the pictures I took. You explained it clearly. When other doctors write down charts about how they will operate on this patient, it is really short and simple, just writing down the materials and surgical method, but this teacher spends time organizing by filling in more than half of the chart with details about what I want, why I want it, and what kind of surgery to apply. I asked for it and wrote it down. I really fell in love with that look.

Contrary to what was written above, I am currently waiting for the surgery date with a reservation deposit at ㅂㄹㅇ.
The first thing I consider is the design, but when I looked at the before and after photos, I didn't like the design. I thought about going back to Rococo, which I thought about until the end, because the doctor had a good eye for it, but the few before and after pictures weren't that pretty and it felt like I was remodeling my nose, so I thought it would be more difficult to get it back if I ruined it. I also didn’t want to add additional implants during cat surgery. The reason I chose ㅂㄹㅇ was because I was first attracted to Dr. ㄱㄱㄹ’s unique confidence, and his solid reputation also had some influence. However, he is not the type to perform unsafe and excessive surgery, so I thought he was the person who had the best balance between design and safety that I wanted. I heard. That's why I canceled JJ as well. At the end, as he left, he said it was his first time seeing someone who had prepared so much, but he also told me to bring it on the day of surgery and left. It wasn't that he wasn't interested in my story, but I thought he was just not the caring type. But I'm still looking for one because there aren't many reviews about Braun. If anyone here has done it, please let me know whether it's good or bad.

[공지] 브로커 구분위해 존칭 사용 금지
[공지] 본 게시판의 가입인사, 등업문의는 자동 삭제 및 패널티 부과
[공지] A병원 어때요? or A병원 VS B병원 추천 질의 글은 무조건 삭제 (소수병원의 개인적인 질문 금지)

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