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Facial bone job

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[Double Chin]

Double chin muscle strengthening 5 gal tea~

땀대대 2023-11-30 (목) 17:23 1 Years ago 3527
110 만원
150 days

I was satisfied with the 4-month review consultation  and decided to have the surgery. They helped me not to be nervous on the day of the surgery, and I was so happy that the double chin that bothered me every day disappeared. The stitches were removed a week after the surgery. I live in a different place, so I had the stitches removed at a different hospital. Haha  . It seems like the swelling is going down. I'm very satisfied with the 4-gallon car now. I had almost no pain and the swelling has gone down . The director kindly answers any questions I have through KakaoTalk even if it bothers me.  The director is so cool and kind and works well. The surgery time is also 1. hour? It's so quick and so good, I was really worried about my double chin, but now that I've done it, worrying about why I did it now will only make me more stressed, so I'll do it quickly haha.
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Comment 5
애백 2023-11-30 (목) 17:34 1 Years ago Address
우와 이런 수술도 있네 너무 신기함
절개같은거는 어디에 있어? 실밥예기 해서 궁굼함 티나는 곳인지
놀러와잉 2023-12-04 (월) 17:04 11 Months ago Address
이거진짜아푸다던데 ㅠㅠ
아름별 2023-12-15 (금) 22:31 11 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
조죠조죠닝 2024-02-19 (월) 22:55 9 Months ago Address
절개는 몇센티정도 돼?
쌍수봉봉 2024-10-21 (월) 14:07 1 Months ago Address
많이 아프다는 댓글이 종종 보이네요ㅠㅠ 절개 얼마나 하는지 흉터 어떤지 궁금해요!!
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