As soon as I entered the plastic surgery clinic, there were only Japanese people there. There were
about 3 Koreans
and the staff spoke in Japanese.
Maybe that's why the wait was long, so
I just left
. ㅇㅇㅂThe plastic surgery clinic
building was really nice and clean.
Maybe it was because I went in the morning, but there were less people. I took
pictures, got a CT, and talked to the counseling director and things like that. He said things like that a lot.
He was kind and responded well.
I met the director and explained it well.
It seemed like he had a good style.
Just like
JJ plastic surgery,
I took a CT scan and talked
to the director. I waited and received a consultation with the director.
It felt like he was sleeping rather than flashy.
He used silicone to touch my nose, took pictures, and drew it, so he explained it well. I
felt that Dr. Hae-sim was very kind and
seemed to treat rhinitis as well.
ㅁㅇㄷ There was a bit of a wait
plastic surgery.
It seemed like a natural style. I
talked to the director and
had a consultation with the director
for about 40 minutes, and
he drew and explained it
to me. He was kind enough to use about 3 to 4 milliliters of silicone. They explain it well.
I have a hard time every time they try to sell me on plastic surgery.
Now I'm so frustrated that I don't think I can go any further.
There's a plastic surgery clinic that I can recommend more. Please recommend it.
For reference, this is men's rhinoplasty.