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Review of eye surgery review 2 + re-consultation, additional consultation

쿠앤크스무디 2023-04-28 (금) 00:08 1 Years ago 4450
First incision surgery in October 2017. Reoperation with burial on only one side in September 2018. I was worried about in/thin in-out and asked the doctor. He told me to do in-out because if it becomes noticeable later, it can be completely inverted, so I asked for thin in-out. High semi-out at 11mm. The surgery was performed with buried reoperation. The inner side is completely released and only the chest area is folded. Ophthalmic diagnosis: There is enough strength to open the eyes. What I want: Lower the line. In-out is as thin as resin, so it doesn't matter if it becomes in-line later. My favorite counseling style: I like the counseling director to only play a delivery role. I don't like it when the consulting director makes comments because I think he's the doctor who operated on my eyes and has specialized knowledge. It's strange that when you go to an internal medicine clinic, the staff judges you based on your symptoms, but at a plastic surgery clinic, it's okay for the staff to look at your eye line and say things like this or that, and I don't understand why there are people who say that the consultation director doesn't say things like that, which is unfriendly and doesn't even look professional. Even in the same two lines, there are places where moderation is mentioned and places where it is not, so the places where it is mentioned are written in the content. I don't know if moderation is necessary in places that I haven't told you about. 13. ㅇㅈ In-out (recommended) Incision inline two-line picking. Pre-consultation is only about surgery history. Of all the consultations I received, the consultation time was the longest, it was detailed, and it wasn't bad, but there wasn't much information written down, so even I wondered why I didn't write it down in detail and didn't remember much. 14. ㅋㄹ Surgery is not recommended. KakaoTalk consultation, private hospital without advertisements. Pre-consultation only covers surgery history. Soft and gentle consultation. Write ok on the chart and do not recommend surgery. It is said that the line is not this high and has settled down naturally over time. It is said that after about 5 more years, the skin will recede and become thinner. Still, please take a look. I showed him the photo I wanted, but the photo was completely in-line, and he said that I would look different if I put on eye makeup, but my eyes still look like outlines even with makeup, so the more I went to the consultation, the more I felt like I didn't know. The only way to do more is to catch bed bugs . They say it's like burning thatch to the ground. 15. ㅇㄷ Take a picture of two lines + eye correction. Consultation . Ask about areas you don't want and the direction you want and explain. The bridge of the eye during reoperation is due to adhesions. The existing line is 12mm high, and the adhesion is weakened, so the line may appear higher. While creating a new line, there is a bit of restraint between the new line and the existing line. He explained by showing the anatomical structure that the amount including the scar was too large. 16. ㅈㅇㅈㅇ (Forehead lift/Botox)+Picking two lines+Lossing fat. Repeat by opening and closing your eyes to check if you are using your forehead. The distance between the eyes and eyebrows is close, so there is enough power to open the eyes, but I have a habit of using my forehead, so I need a forehead lift to correct the fundamental problem. Have you ever thought about a lift? I said yes, and they say you can get into the habit of not using your forehead by replacing it with Botox, and the rate of correction after just one Botox is half and half. (=Thank you once you get it corrected, or you will have to get it again) The line is high and there is no scar (= strong fixation A mounted form. They say they reduce the fat above the eyes to prevent adhesion, but this was the first hospital to measure the amount for this area separately. Even if the scar is removed, in-out/in-line is not possible. There will be a semi-out. 17. ㄱㅎㅅ It is impossible to get in and out of the two-line picking + eye correction without consultation with the director . It has to be inline. The front tail is said to be thin between the in-out and in-line. I asked him if he didn't have enough strength to open his eyes, and he said that I needed to focus on that as well. I didn't check by touching my forehead. 18. ㄱㄹㄷ Two-line picking + eye correction + epicanthoplasty (<- if you don’t mind the front part being slightly covered, you can remove it) He explained in detail the reason why the current double couple was not properly captured (I did not write it down separately because I heard it at previous hospitals). I tried opening and closing my eyes at various angles of my face. It is said that eye contact is essential because after removing the adhesions, the muscles are torn. A bit of restraint. If you look at the advertising photos before and after the surgery, it looks like there is a set of corrective clefts in the eyes, and there were a lot of corrective clefts in the first surgery as well. They asked me if I wanted the scar removed and said that some of the excised areas would have some scarring. 19. ㅅㅅ I left without consulting. Reservation for 3:30, registration at 2:30. I had a consultation with the director at 3:30 like Karl. When I asked how long I would have to wait for the consultation with the director, he said he wasn't sure because he was having surgery, but he said I would have to wait another 30 minutes, so I just left. In a situation where consultation and surgery are scheduled to overlap, and there are many waiting customers, pass   20. ㄱㄴㅅㅇ two-line selection, pre-consultation and surgery history only. Even in a short period of time, I got the impression that the staff was friendly. It is said that the line can be in/out as desired. The line I caught is in the top 3 of my favorite lines. Maybe it was because I liked the line, but I was satisfied even though the consultation time was short. 21. ㅇㅇㅎ Picking two lines: Draws a natural line first without asking which line you want. High line 11mm. A small scar on the back was removed. The progress monitoring period was long at 2 years, and it was good that the period was adjusted according to the patient's condition rather than having a set period of 3 months and 6 months. 22. ㅇㅁㄹ I left without receiving a consultation. I must fill out the occupation section . I didn't use it so I sent it back to be written. During the consultation with the director, the director even holds the line. In the consultation so far, the manager told me what to do because the situation was like this, but I was embarrassed because it was my first time holding a line. I made a reservation for 3 o'clock and went with Karl, but during the consultation, the director said that I had just gone into surgery and that there would be an hour wait. I asked how long I would have to wait at 4:20, and was told I would have to wait 20 to 30 minutes longer, so I just left. Pass 2 23. ㅁㅊㅍ Pre -incision consultation only covers previous surgery history, given that there are many customers waiting in a situation where consultation and surgery are scheduled to overlap . Before telling me the desired line, I asked if I was okay with the line being lower than before during surgery. The line you drew first before telling me the direction you wanted was a thin in-out line, so I think you like the natural look. The line drawn with the in and out was naturally pretty. I'm worried about being in the top 3. *Re-consultation : Questions asked: 1. Moderation 2. Even now, when I look close to the mirror, the double couple doesn't seem to be undone. If I look closely at the line you held, I wonder if it looks thin. Last time, I told you what I should do, right? I was embarrassed for the first time when he asked me. I looked at the line drawn with the mirror at a distance of about 40-50cm while wearing glasses. It's different from last time, so does the second embarrassing line come out like this? I asked them to compare the thickness, but the line was so different from the last time that I wondered if it was an effect of not being able to grasp it properly while wearing glasses. When I told them that the line was not like this last time, they said that the last time was a line drawn based on the premise of drawing two lines (quote: understatement) After rescheduling the in-out line a few times, which is possible through resection, the director said he would come in and talk about it, and he left. The director said that opinions differed from hospital to hospital, so I should go to another hospital to make a decision, and said that the doctor said he would not do surgery, so he would not be able to consult again. I did not have surgery once. He said that if he decided to do it, he would not receive a consultation again and that he would like him to find the right hospital. It is unknown why he refused the surgery. Because the rejection was communicated through the director, it is unclear where the line for coordination is. I felt a bit unfair having to pay the 5,000 won re-consultation fee. 24. ㅇㄴㅋ During the pre-consultation for double line picking + eye correction, the consultation director even told me what to do because my eye condition was like this and the line I wanted was like this, but because my eye condition was like this, I needed eye correction. I wondered why the counseling director was examining my eyes. The difference between the current line and the new line is about 6mm, so incision is not possible. I only drew the line on one side, but I felt like I was watching the director snooping around behind the doctor and watching everything. As I was moving to the room with the counseling director, there was restraint in the conversation between the counseling director and the doctor. Since it was something they didn't tell me, my level of trust plummeted 25. ㅇㄴㅂ I left without getting a consultation. The director took the line and told me the direction of the surgery. I made a reservation for 3 o'clock, but the director said I could see the doctor at 4:30 through surgery, so I just left. Pass 3 26. ㄴㅅㅎ Incision + Eye Correction ㅅㅇㅇ In the pre-consultation, the director asks about medical history, surgery history, desired direction, and what you do not want to do, given that there are many customers waiting in a situation where consultation and surgery are scheduled to overlap . The surgery method is explained in great detail. There is enough skin to make an incision. In-out standards are different for each person and there are various types of lines, so there is no specific line for in-out. Even for the same in-out, it tells you about the different lines and changing surgical methods when resecting 3mm or 5mm. If you come here for your first consultation, it will be of great help in future consultations. If you are planning a consultation, we recommend starting the consultation with ㄴㅅㅎ. Because the excision is performed on elastic skin, the amount of excision may vary depending on the doctor, even if it is a 3mm excision. However, I prefer to cut less, and the reason for eye correction is to effectively lower the size. If you do not undergo eye correction, it may not be as low as desired. Here too, I tried to draw the line while wearing glasses, but the shape was not captured properly, so the line drawn with glasses on ㅁㅊㅍ made sense. 27. ㅇㅎㅅ I asked at which hospital the two-line drawing + eye correction surgery was performed. I asked if that was important. They said they were asking because if they knew, they would be able to find out more details about the surgery(?) . The director asked them to open and close their eyes and said they seemed to lack the strength to open them. So it wasn't that good. Former director of ㄱㄹㄷ Plastic Surgery Clinic. I did it in ㄱㄹㄷ and I was suffering, so my likeability went down drastically. I held both lines several times. Please keep holding on until you are satisfied. Of all the hospitals I've been to so far, this was the first one that treated so many patients. It is said that the power to open the left eye is weaker. *Re-consultation No. 23, additional consultation No. 26, No. 27   After completing the consultation up to No. 27, it was decided to have surgery at ㅁㅊㅍ (agree that the incision may not lower the height as desired)>
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Comment 72
쁘띠쮸 2023-04-28 (금) 00:59 1 Years ago Address
우와 되게 많이 갔다 하루에 몇군데씩 돌았어? ㅁㅊㅍ 발품갈까 고민하다가 뺄려고 했는데 글 보니 다시 혹하네 ㅜㅜ
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-04-28 (금) 08:42 1 Years ago Address
평균 3군데! 2군데 간 날도 있고 5군데 간 날도 있는데 2군데는 너무 시간아깝고 5군데는 지쳐서 3군데가 적당한 것 같아. ㅁㅊㅍ 가보는거 추천. 눈사진 찍어서 화면에 띄워놓고 그 위에 펜으로 그리면서 설명해줘서 이해 잘 되는데 매우 스피디해서 의사가 너무 바빠서 슉 왔다 슉 가는 느낌 있음
니릴리 2023-04-28 (금) 11:08 1 Years ago Address
와 대단하다 상담을 이렇게 많이 가다니... 어디가 젤 맘에 들어?? 혹시 ㅇㄷ는 ㅟㅡ 여기 가본거야? 근데 상담과 수술 예약 겹치게 잡아놓은건 최악이다 진짜..
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-04-28 (금) 11:17 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
머내 2023-04-28 (금) 11:10 1 Years ago Address
혹시 16번은 어느 원장님 상담 받으신거예요?!
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-04-28 (금) 11:47 1 Years ago Address
ㄹㅇㅅ원장님한테서 상담받았어!
쌸라살랑 2023-04-28 (금) 16:12 1 Years ago Address
와 예사 진짜 많이 돌아봤다... 17, 20 눈쪽으로 유명해서 궁금했던 곳인데 잘보구강 재상담 어디어디 잡아뒀어? ㅠㅠㅠ
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-04-28 (금) 17:04 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
벨라킴 2023-04-28 (금) 17:24 1 Years ago Address
좋은 정보 고마워!
고로케고 2023-04-29 (토) 21:58 1 Years ago Address
사랑스러운찐 2023-04-30 (일) 02:03 1 Years ago Address
ㅅㅅ은 나도 갔을 때 대기 힘들어서 가격 안 받고 그냥 나옴.. 사람 진짜 많고 정신없는 분위기
성형정보234 2023-04-30 (일) 05:24 1 Years ago Address
뚜두5 2023-04-30 (일) 17:32 1 Years ago Address
와 진짜 많이 돌았다... 혹시 나도 재상담 어디 잡았는지 알수있을까?
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-04-30 (일) 18:25 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
술술재재 2023-04-30 (일) 18:17 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-04-30 (일) 18:39 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
토끼냥이 2023-04-30 (일) 20:03 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-04-30 (일) 21:05 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
눼가쮈이뽀 2023-05-01 (월) 19:44 1 Years ago Address
엄청 많이 갔다오셨네요! 병원 고르기 너무 어려운 것 같아요ㅠㅠ
윤곽원츄 2023-05-01 (월) 22:06 1 Years ago Address
와 진짜 부지런하다
나는 재수술 상담 3개 잡아놨다가..
팔랑귀로  맨처음 간곳서 걍 첨부터 예약.
다시하려고 눈팅중인데.

재상담 잡은데 어딘지 알수있을까?

근데 너는 안해도 이쁜데?
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-05-01 (월) 22:23 1 Years ago Address
사진 올린적 없는데 어떻게 알아...? 혹시 내가 갔던 병원 관계자야...?
윤곽원츄 2023-05-01 (월) 22:27 1 Years ago Address
모래  닉네임 눌러서 게시글 더보기했어 ㅡㅡ
윤곽원츄 2023-05-01 (월) 22:31 1 Years ago Address
미안 ㅋㅋ ㅠ.ㅠ
게시글 더보기 하면 다 넌줄알았는데ㅠ 닉넴이 틀리네

이틀 비로그인 눈팅하다 게시글더보기 하고파서 오늘 첨 가입해서 몰랐어
다른사람 얼굴이였나바 ㅠ 미안해
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-05-02 (화) 00:40 1 Years ago Address
나 진짜 놀랐었어ㅋㅋㅋ 브로커가 댓글 복사하다가 잘못단걸까 까지 생각했다
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-05-02 (화) 00:40 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
윤곽원츄 2023-05-02 (화) 01:59 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
오레오옺으 2023-05-02 (화) 15:10 1 Years ago Address
예사 1탄부터 보고왔어... 1탄의 ㅇㅈ은 대형이고 2탄의 ㅇㅈ은 개인병원이야? 원장이름으로 된 곳 맞나... 그리고 후기 고마워 ㅜㅜ 난 ㄱㄴㅅㅇ 궁금했는데 여기도 후기가 많진 않더라구... 공유 고마워!
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-05-02 (화) 20:46 1 Years ago Address
맞아! 10은 대형 13은 개인병원이야
어니이이 2023-05-03 (수) 09:47 1 Years ago Address
혹시 병원 알려줄 수 있을까???
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-05-03 (수) 10:07 1 Years ago Address
내가 수술했던/재상담 잡은/ 초성으로 모르겠는
셋중에 어떤병원이야?
어니이이 2023-05-03 (수) 10:12 1 Years ago Address
재상담 잡은 병원!!
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-05-03 (수) 14:06 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
제발내눈 2023-05-04 (목) 16:36 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-05-04 (목) 22:05 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
제발내눈 2023-05-04 (목) 23:29 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-05-05 (금) 01:12 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
마녀스프 2023-05-05 (금) 18:54 1 Years ago Address
정보 너무 고마워ㅠ 혹시 재상담 병원정보 알수있을까??
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-05-05 (금) 20:46 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
howlite 2023-05-05 (금) 19:17 1 Years ago Address
진짜 많이돌았다 지금까지 확끌리는병원은 없었던거야?
혹시 세미아웃인데 재수술 원하는 이유는 어떤거야? 세미아웃하고싶어서…
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-05-05 (금) 20:54 1 Years ago Address
ㅁㅊㅍ에 마음이 제일 갔는데 재상담에서 거절당해버렸어... 처음부터 얇은 인아웃을 원했었고 내가 느끼기에 인상이 너무 찐해보여서 부자연스러워 보인다는 점에서 라인변경을 원하고 있어.
사가잉 2023-05-14 (일) 17:22 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-05-14 (일) 17:49 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
오리33 2023-05-16 (화) 18:31 1 Years ago Address
재상담 갔던 병원 어딘지 알 수 있을까?!
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-05-16 (화) 18:35 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
클로이3 2023-05-19 (금) 04:36 1 Years ago Address
원장님이 안받겠다고 했는데 ㅁㅊㅍ에서 수술이 됬어??
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-05-19 (금) 08:53 1 Years ago Address
내가 원하는 라인이 얇은 인아웃인데 절제로는 그만큼 낮아지지 않을 수 있다는 점을 알고있고, 그래도 괜찮으니 절제로 수술 진행하고싶다. 현재 상태에서 개선되는 방향으로 수술 진행이 불가능할까 문의하니까 원장님이 수술 ㅇㅋ 하셔서 수술했어
쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-05-19 (금) 09:16 1 Years ago Address
첫 상담때 2mm 절제라고 하고 라인을 잡아주셨으니까 그 범위에서 가능한 라인으로 타협을 하자고 생각했어. 타협이 잘되면 좋은거고 안되면 개선되는걸로 만족하는 거고.
내가 많이 낮아지지 않아도 괜찮으니 개선을 하고싶다고 했기때문에 진행이 됐다고 생각해. 이렇게 말하지 않고 그래도 한번 물어봐 주시면 안될까요 라고 했다면 거절하셨을것 같아.
ㅁㅊㅍ에 다시 문의를 한 이유는 절개로 가능(절제량 2~3mm로 유사), 눈교,트임 불필요 병원으로 추리면 실 선택지가 많지 않은 상황에서 재상담이 어쨌든 첫상담때 마음에 드는 라인을 잡아줬다 점이 컸다고 생각.  두번째 상담때 당황스러웠던 라인은 ㄴㅅㅎ,ㅇㅎㅅ에서 안경낀 상태에서 라인을 잡아보고 납득가능했어. 계속 안경낀 상태에서 라인 보기를 시도하면서 의견차가 나기 시작한게 아닐까... 아무튼 이미 선택을 한 상황이라 붓기 잘 빠지기만을 바라고 있어. 저녁에 5일차 붓기 근황 글 찔건데 보고 도움됐으면 좋겠어!
결정21 2023-05-21 (일) 12:50 1 Years ago Address
19번 수술하고 지금 재수술알아보고 있음 거기는 경과보러 가면 앉아서 하는것도 아니고 서서 대충 후대닥 보고 나가버림 물어보고싶은거 있으면 막 나가려는거 붙잡고 이야기 해야됨  정신없이 돌아가는 1인공장임  신중하지못한 내탓을 해야하나..
쭈니33 2023-06-21 (수) 18:12 1 Years ago Address
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쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-06-21 (수) 19:58 1 Years ago Address
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쭈니33 2023-06-25 (일) 14:32 1 Years ago Address
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쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-07-02 (일) 19:26 1 Years ago Address
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천혜향 2023-06-30 (금) 19:17 1 Years ago Address
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쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-07-02 (일) 19:21 1 Years ago Address
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안뇽하쉐여 2023-07-09 (일) 16:59 1 Years ago Address
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쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-07-09 (일) 23:39 1 Years ago Address
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안뇽하쉐여 2023-07-10 (월) 10:33 1 Years ago Address
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쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-07-10 (월) 12:55 1 Years ago Address
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쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-07-10 (월) 13:05 1 Years ago Address
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은호맘 2023-07-11 (화) 00:23 1 Years ago Address
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쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-07-11 (화) 01:02 1 Years ago Address
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노랑팔랑 2023-07-19 (수) 14:29 1 Years ago Address
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쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-07-20 (목) 00:53 1 Years ago Address
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sweetly 2023-07-26 (수) 00:57 1 Years ago Address
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쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-07-27 (목) 21:17 1 Years ago Address
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스트로베리요 2023-07-28 (금) 09:47 1 Years ago Address
문동은 2023-08-01 (화) 14:42 1 Years ago Address
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발품맨 2023-08-06 (일) 14:48 1 Years ago Address
와 도움 많이 된다.. 고마워!! 참고해서 발품 더 팔아봐야겠다
눈손품팔기 2023-08-29 (화) 22:04 1 Years ago Address
결정했어? 수술은 진행한거야?? 나도 정보 좀 랄 숭 ㅣㅆ를까?
안냐세야 2023-09-28 (목) 05:00 1 Years ago Address
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쿠앤크스무디 Writer 2023-10-10 (화) 02:27 11 Months ago Address
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곽소세지 2024-01-12 (금) 08:02 8 Months ago Address
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