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ㅋㅇ, ㅋㅇㅍㄹㅅ foot product review

shfrjqsl 2023-04-18 (화) 19:35 1 Years ago 1544
1. ㅋㅇ This was my first time receiving counseling. I was upset because they made me wait for an hour, but I wrote it down first. The manager was kind and cool. After waiting for an hour after the consultation, I received counseling from the director. Very concise and honest? It was that kind of consultation. He said that my nose would be curved and it would be difficult to straighten and that it would come out close to a straight line. He also suggested putting only cartilage in the tip of my nose without silicone. The consultation was over after only about 10 minutes. 2. ㅋㅇㅍㄹㅅ It was my second consultation and I consulted with Director ㄱㅈㅇ right away. He touched my nose and swabbed it . After putting it in and touching everything, he gave a very kind and detailed explanation. The conclusion about the nose was the same as the director. Still, the conclusion was that he would make it closer to the direct one. Because of the detailed explanation + kindness, I liked ㅋㅇㅍㄹㅅ even more. The price was also better. down

Comment 14
구져니 2023-04-18 (화) 21:54 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
shfrjqsl Writer 2023-04-18 (화) 21:58 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
예쨔응 2023-04-18 (화) 22:02 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
shfrjqsl Writer 2023-04-18 (화) 23:11 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
예쨔응 2023-04-20 (목) 01:35 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
비나이스 2023-04-18 (화) 23:12 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
shfrjqsl Writer 2023-04-18 (화) 23:13 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
월요일오지마 2023-04-20 (목) 00:35 1 Years ago Address
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shfrjqsl Writer 2023-04-20 (목) 13:15 1 Years ago Address
써잇다시피 매부리 ! 매부리 깎구 코끝에 비중격 넣으려구
월요일오지마 2023-04-20 (목) 13:26 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
shfrjqsl Writer 2023-04-20 (목) 13:55 1 Years ago Address
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월요일오지마 2023-04-20 (목) 16:57 1 Years ago Address
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감규림 2023-04-24 (월) 10:26 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
Zaksnsl 2023-11-17 (금) 21:43 9 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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