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Mi Plus, Sangbeom Kim

리리33333 2015-10-13 (화) 10:45 8 Years ago 881
※ This bulletin board is prohibited from posting false reviews for the purpose of promoting a specific hospital or attracting attention. ※ Recommending, attracting customers, promoting, or arranging a specific hospital violates the Medical Service Act and will be deleted without notice. ※ In order to block promotional posts, we make it a rule to register reviews for multiple hospitals (two or more hospitals). ※ The hospital name can be disclosed when writing a review. ※ When writing a consultation review, please write based on the example below. Example) Hospital name: Mi Plus Plastic Surgery Consultant: Dr. Choi Sang-mook Consultation fee: KRW 10,000 Consultation details: My nose has a high hooked nose and a dead tip, so my nose is not aesthetically pleasing. It's an incision method. He said he could shave the bridge of the nose slightly, grind the slightly curved part on the left side, and put 1-1.5mm silicone into that part. He said they should put dermis into the tip of the nose to prevent the nose from getting smaller (I was a little surprised because it was my first time hearing about dermis.. haha..) They said the dermis would be taken from the head?!.. And he said they would use both the nasal septum and ear cartilage.  Hospital name: Kim Sang-beom Plastic Surgery Consultant: Director Kim Sang-beom Consultation fee: None Consultation details It was nice that the consultation was friendly and confident. Of course, the director of Miplus also focused on my story and pointed out the problems, but Sangbeom Kim spoke in a slightly more confident manner. It was also an incision method, and they said they would shave the bridge of the nose (how much to shave will be decided during surgery), tie the septum at the end of the nose, and place ear cartilage on top of that and Alloderm on top of that. Alloderm is added to protect the skin. I asked if there were any side effects from Alloderm, and they said 100% no. The interesting thing was that because the surgery was performed while hemostasis was being performed, there would be no significant bleeding and almost no pain after the surgery. You have to come to the hospital for an impression before surgery, and silicone will be inserted into the bridge of your nose, but this is a bit unusual. They prepared everything from 1mm to 6mm(?) before the surgery, and showed it to me by putting them in one by one during the surgery. He said it would be good to come with a friend or guardian as he would check the implants for me... Mi Plus charged a consultation fee of 10,000 won, but I think the consultation was over in 15 or 20 minutes, and it was nice that Sangbeom Kim explained things in detail for a bit longer. Some teachers say that if I keep asking questions even though I am paying for the consultation, it shows that they want to end it now. So there were times when I felt sorry for paying for the consultation. I think it would be much better if I went with a friend or parent. . As I was writing it, it seemed like I was a little biased towards Kim Sang-beom. I hope it helps.

Comment 7
베리봉봉 2015-10-13 (화) 12:00 8 Years ago Address
김상범에서 수술하시는거에요? 수술비용은 대략 어느정도해여?_?
수술하면서 지혈안하면 멍들어서..모든병원이 지혈하면서 수술하구용
본뜨는거는 신기하네여'-'!ㅋㅋㅋ 수술전 보형물 예상을 3mm했다가도,
사람 피부 늘어남에따라 2mm로 바꿀수도있고해서 대부분 잘하는 병원들은 수술중에 넣었다,뺏다하면서
조절하는거같아여! 친구가 미플에서 성공해서 상담가보고싶었는데
리리님 후기보고 김상범도 가보고싶네여 ㅋㅋㅋ
이민정코 2015-10-13 (화) 12:53 8 Years ago Address
어예어예 2015-10-18 (일) 16:22 8 Years ago Address
보형물은 그럼 그자리에서 고르는거에요??? 음...
쩔어 2015-11-03 (화) 03:13 8 Years ago Address
zeun94 2015-11-08 (일) 18:00 8 Years ago Address
후기 감사합니당~
요구르티 2015-11-14 (토) 17:08 8 Years ago Address
저도 김상범 고민하고있는중인데,
잘보고 가요~~
알뤼르2 2016-01-14 (목) 02:24 8 Years ago Address
정보 감사합니다~
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