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주디링 2023-02-04 (토) 05:33 1 Years ago 1008
I went around 5 places for rhinoplasty! The criterion I thought of was whether or not to proceed after checking the condition of my nose by taking a CT scan unconditionally . I already knew that the nasal septum is greatly bent and thin, so I thought that places that suggested using nasal septum and ear cartilage during consultation could be in trouble. Everyone knows the condition of your nose, choose the material, find it meticulously, and spread your feet!! ㅁㅋ Plastic Surgery First of all, I had the idea that I would like to receive it from Director Lee because I sold too much of my hands, but he told me to go and take a ct scan and proceed with self- healing . I've heard that plastic surgery is good at bokko correction. The director here is so kind...

Comment 5
다락이 2023-02-04 (토) 10:10 1 Years ago Address
Which of the three did you decide on?
빈빈이23 2023-02-05 (일) 14:55 1 Years ago Address
ㅁㅋ가 어딘지 쪽지로 알려주실슈 있나요 ㅠ
익명5465 2023-02-06 (월) 18:48 1 Years ago Address
ㅎㅌ 조만간 상담가려고 하는데 정보 감사해요!
키티띠 2023-02-10 (금) 02:17 1 Years ago Address
후기 감사해여!
릐벙 2023-02-13 (월) 14:37 1 Years ago Address
결정하셧나여 저도 ㅁㅋ랑 ㅎㅌ 상담 다녀왔는데 고민이네여ㅠㅠ
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