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Review of double-handed footwork

무숩다무서 2023-01-14 (토) 01:02 1 Years ago 410
I went to 5 places. Epicanthoplasty + incision was recommended in 4 out of 5 locations. The cost is 2 million won. Burial + non-incision correction recommended in only 1 location. I was tempted by the cost of 80, but opinions differed here and the manager consulted, so I passed. Of the remaining 4 places, 2 had consultations with the director and 2 had consultations with the director, but during the consultation, the director said it was ambiguous and even recommended non-incision eye correction and told me to talk to the doctor. Why do eye corrections require non-incision while making incisions for the eyes? They say it's too simple to solve the problem because I'm worried about side effects. The prices and methods are the same for all 3 places, so I don't know what else to look at before deciding.

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